The bible is replete with instances of Gods wisdom moving men and - TopicsExpress


The bible is replete with instances of Gods wisdom moving men and women through the most trying times to the most wonderful ends. Abraham was good example. he was known as a friend of God. Even though he was capable of some shabby behavior like compromising his wifes chastity(Gn 12:10-20) and later submitting to her pressure , fathered a child by Hagar, their maid( Gn 16:1-16). Then seeking to avoid Sarahs hysterical recriminations, he allowed her to drive Hagar away from their household(Gn 21:8-21). Clearly, Abraham was not a man of strong principles, and there were great flaws in his character. But God in wisdom dealt with this man and brought him through some great trials until he was changed from a man of the world to a true man of God..........The same wisdom that ordered the path of Abraham trod orders our lives. We should never be taken aback when unexpected and upsetting things happen to us. we should recognize that no matter how hard the trial, Gods power will be there to get us through, and Gods wisdom will ensure that the trial will be worth more than it costs. God design when He permits us to go through trials: Perhaps he means to strengthen us in patience, good humor, compassion, humility, or meekness by giving us extra patience in exercising these graces under specially difficult situation . Some extra practice some of us , myself included, sorely need it..........Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials (James 1:2). Let us take the grace to face our trials gladly, and get the glory.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 23:57:07 +0000

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