The biggest threat to peace is peace after a war between two or - TopicsExpress


The biggest threat to peace is peace after a war between two or more countries. The kind of peace that leaves no choice but not to fight anymore. It seems to be the peace everyone wants. Noone has experienced the kind of peace without war so we accept and expect that kind of peace and have canned definitions for it, and we can take those definitions off the shelf, open them up in convenience. It is too hard or were too lazy to know the Peace with Mother Earth and would rather only look for human to human peace. Its the concepts of time and of progress, invariably dependent on the concept of domination, that has perpetuated whether we get ours before it runs out of supplies - as if Mother Earth was a warehouse for our inventory, a way station to a another planet that is bigger, better and more perfect than the Mother. If we continue to look for solutions and a goal of peace with the same logic and languages that contain dualities, abstract from Natural LAW or Mother Earths Land Air Water principles, then it seems that all our justifications to continue with searching for peace will fade as the human, disconnected, worried, and heaven bounded thought process is surely dying. No heros, no legacy, no memory, noone to tell the story, but one tin soldier who finds noone to argue over god. The following conversation was recorded in the late 1800s between Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce and one of the government commissioners who was trying to convince Chief Joseph of the advantages of having a government funded school located on the agency. Why do you not want schools? the commissioner asked. They will teach us to have churches, Joseph answered. Do you not want churches? No, we do not want churches. Why do you not want churches? They will teach us to quarrel about God, Joseph said. We do not want to learn that. We may quarrel with men sometimes about things on this earth, but we never quarrel about God. We do not want to learn about that..
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 15:32:38 +0000

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