The black letter definintion of slander is that it is the oral - TopicsExpress


The black letter definintion of slander is that it is the oral publication of an untrue, defamatory statement, which results in damage to you. Some kinds of defamatory statements, such as the assertion that you are a criminal, or of unchaste character, may fall into the category of slander per se, which means that it is the type of statement thats so bad that damages may presumed. Publication is a key element. If the only communication of the defamatory remark was by the defendant to you, it is not slander. Slander has to be published, or communicated to third parties. The first step in the analysis is almost always an economic one: first, did the statement cause you damage and, second, does the defendant have the money or property to respond to a judgment. Damages may include loss of a job, loss of business, loss of relationships, etc., because the defamatory remarks were believed by others. If the answer to both these questions is yes, then you may have a case that a lawyer will be interested in taking. If not, then you are probably wasting your time. One thing for sure: you should consider going to a lawyer, or to court, only if the slander has had a substantial negative effect on your life and relationships, or has somehow cost you alot of money.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 00:50:44 +0000

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