The blessed dust of Jihaad Hadhrat Abu Abbas `Abdur - Rahman - TopicsExpress


The blessed dust of Jihaad Hadhrat Abu Abbas `Abdur - Rahman Radiallahu-`anhu narrates that the Prophet Sallallahu-alayhi wasallam said, Whosoevers feet were covered with the dust in the path of Jihaad, the fire of Hell will not touch him. (Saheeh Bukhari, Vol.1, p394) The virtue of the dust in the path of Jihaad has been mentioned in this Hadeeth as it is through the blessed deed of Jihaad that Haqq (truth) is given superiority over Batil (falsehood). This is why every thing relating to this cause and every practice of the Mujahid is beloved to Allah. The purpose being that, sitting, stading, walking, attaking and riding the horse is al for the evelvation of Allahs word and to attain His pleasure. Therefore, the Mujahid gifted with numerous great bounties as this hadith indicates, that even the dust at the feet of the Mujahid (Islamic Fighter) who is walking in the cause of Jihad will save him from the deadful punishment of Hell. For this sole reason the Sahaba and the eminent figuers of teh Ummah have tried their utmost to attain this dust. Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri RahmattulLahu-alayh has written in a book written by himself: Sultan Bayazid Khan Yaladran participated in seventy-two battles and all these battels were fought against Europe. It was teh habit of the Sultan to only wear one clothing called teh Quba (large cloak) and he never used to chang e it. After a battle he used to collect the dust which was on this cloak. When the time of his death approached, he left a will requesting to be buried in the grave consisting of this dust which he had accumulated. (Faidhul Bari, Vol.2 : p425) Allah is the greatest! This is making the saying of the Holy Prophet SallalLahu-alayhi wasallam practicle, so much so as to collect the dustt of Jihaad to make it a cause of ones salvation. Blessed is tthe person whose grave will bear witness to his Jihaad. We wish that Allah Subhanuhu-Wata`ala grant us this eagerness and emotion for Jihaad. Ameen. The following story illustrates the Sahabas eagerness to follow the above Hadeeth: Abul Misbah Makrai RahmattulLahu-alayh says that we were in a group travelling in Rome. The leader of the group was Malik bin Kaham. Malik bin `Abdullah passed Jabir bin `Abdullah who was walking holding the rope of his donkey. Hadhrat Malik said,O Abu `Abdullah! Please take a seat on the donkey as Allah has gifted you with it. Hadhrat Jabir RadhialLahu-anho understood what Malik was trying to doso he answered by saying, I am letting my donkey rest and I am self sufficient from the needs of people and I habe heard the Prophet SallalLahu-alayhi wasallam saying that a person whose feet have become dusty in the path of Allah, his body is made Haraam upon Hell (he will never enter Hell). Upon hearing this the people jumped down from their rides. The narrator ststes that I had never seen so much people walking as much as this day. Allama Ibne Hajar RahmatulLahu-alayh states that: If the virtue of the dust of the path of Jihaad is so great, then what would be the rank of one who spends his utmost effort in this is difficult even to imagine this status. Hadhrat Abu Darda RadhialLahu- `anhu narrates that the Prophet SallalLahu-alayhi wasallam said: Whosoevers feet were covered with the dust in the path of Jihaad, Allah moves Hell one thousand years away from this person. (Tabrani. Fathul Bari, p111)
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 08:51:53 +0000

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