The body... In order to understand the actions of individuals - TopicsExpress


The body... In order to understand the actions of individuals you must first be able to see the simple reasons that define how our bodies respond. I explain often that our bodies, among a great many other functions, serve us primarily as a tool that we are given to magnify spiritual activity. The only function we as spirit beings created in Gods image have is choosing which spiritual activity to magnify. The greatest and only pure magnification is love. But in order to understand the simplicity of how the body works, I want to do as I always do and show you the understanding in a way easy for all to understand. By physical standards we say that God is invisible. God is a spirit. To see Him physically, He must be understood by the love given and received to and by all His creation. That would be understood as a magnification of Him. We ourselves are spirit also. What we are is not the flesh. Again it is a tool given to us so that we might use it to magnify that which we allow to be our inspiration. We and God are not the only spirits. There are a whole host of other spirits, spirits that have absolutely no association with love; with God. Who we are is pure spirits. Just pure love. We were created IN His image. We do not have the ability on our own to do either right or wrong, the only ability we have and our sole function as spirits is choice. An ability to choose what to magnify. The information we receive to make those choices is obtained only by inspiration, and on our own could never be thought. As a spirit, We are like a computer that has never been programmed with an operating system. It cant do anything until it receives information to process. Now I want to get to the real simplicity. We can only be inspired by other spirits, for on our own we are nothing but pure love. So, Physically understood, God is invisible, the devil is invisible, and all of the other host of evil spiritual forces are in fact invisible physically. What I intend to do in part with this explanation is offer simple evidence of understanding that this spirit world truly exists all around you and offer you a way of perceiving it in such a way that amplifies your faith so that you will be empowered greatly in overcoming the challenges you are blessed to endure. So let us think of something simple in this world that we know undoubtedly is real but can not physically see... Do you own a radio? How about a TV? Lets identify these tools. What are they? What do they do? In short all they do is receive information and process it into something we can use. OK... By themselves they would be completely useless unless there was a signal for them to receive and process and broadcast. Simple enough. So what kind of signal do they receive? Radio waves! Radio waves are something we know as real yet we can not physically see them. Because we can not see them, does that make them less real? Can you say they do not exist because you cant see them? Yet your TV and radio somehow decipher them? How many radio waves are there around you at any given moment? Which you can not physically see? Hmmm... but because you have a tv or a radio you know undoubtedly that they exist and are constantly surrounding you in the hundreds at any given minute. Now on your TV or radio you have a dial or a channel selector and with this dial you can choose which radio wave you want the radio or TV to receive and therefore magnify... hmmm... are you still with me? OK. God, the devil, evil spiritual forces are like those radio waves. Always constantly surrounding you. Your body is likened to the radio or the TV. The body picks up the spirit as a radio picks up a radio wave signal. Just like the radio or the TV, your body has a dial or a selector switch which is used to tune in the specific spirit or spirits you choose to magnify. That dial in our bodies is called emotions. By maintaining control of the dial you can effectively choose which spirit or spirits you want to magnify. Learning how to control your emotions is like knowing just the right spot on the dial to get the best reception for the radio channel you want to listen to. Now of course I am making this reference to the old style radios that have analog dials and not digital, but a digital dial works on the same principal. Maintaining control of the dial, since we on our own would be incapable of such a thing as pure spirits of love, is only achieved by using the manual! Amen. The Word of God, your bible. If you dont program your mind with that specific information, you will never gain control of the dial, your emotions. We are to govern our emotions, and not let our emotions govern us. If you dont know how to patiently adjust the dial on your radio, you will either be receiving multiple radio waves which would cause you irritation, discomfort or confusion, or you will have your channel mixed with a bunch of static which will also diminish the enjoyment of hearing your desired channel. When you have no control over your emotions, it is the same. It will only result in confusion, frustration, irritation, and discomfort. When you dont have control over your emotions it is undeniable evidence that you havent used the manual or that you havent used it effectively. Renewing your mind is not reading through, it is re reading over and over until you understand it more perfectly. Now, that the body is like the radio or TV, and again there are multiple radio waves surrounding you; a large number of spiritual forces surrounding you at every moment, your task is to have control over the dial to allow your body to only receive the signal that it is perfectly compatible with: Love; God, for that is what you are a pure spirit of love, having been created IN the pure spirit of Love; God. Anytime you lack control of the dial, your emotions, you are allowing your radio to tune in other channels; spiritual forces, that will confuse you and cause you to allow them to broadcast; magnify their agenda. Their agenda has no alignment with love, and therefore when you allow them to operate, even in the most seemingly insignificant way, they do nothing but cause you vexation or distress . The overall point of this message today is that without the renewing of your mind with the Word, you cant make successful choices that will result in constant productivity to your purpose. Your purpose is in this world is simply to magnify and bear more and more fruit of the spirit; LOVE. Nothing more. Your body is simply the tool you have been given to do it with. That and the things around you are here for the simple purpose of being used to display His perfect love to the fullest measure possible. Renew your mind. 1 John 4:1-8 KJV Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. - Paul, representative of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 11:51:54 +0000

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