The book of Leviticus starts from where Exodus ended; GOD asked - TopicsExpress


The book of Leviticus starts from where Exodus ended; GOD asked Moses to build a tabernacle and when the tabernacle was completed, HIS presence was in the tabernacle. The reason GOD wanted the tabernacle was because, HE wanted to dwell among HIS people, the people HE has chose among other nations in the world, to bring salvation to save the whole world. The purpose of the offering was to demonstrate the atonement of sins, willingness to fellowship with GOD and the ability to offer the best services to the LORD etc. Therefore the building of the tabernacle and the offering all points to the LORD JESUS CHRIST and we are going to learn some lessons for presenting the offering GOD asked Moses to speak to the children of Israel. There are different types of offering from Lev. Chapter 1 to 6, but chapter one of Leviticus talks about burnt offering. Offering unto the LORD was not new since from the begining of creation, Adam knew about offering to the LORD, because GOD offered them forgiveness by clothing them with coats of skins Gen.3:21, Cain and Abel knew about offering unto the LORD through their father and this type of offering was an appreciation of what GOD has done for them Gen.4:3-4, Noah also offered to the LORD after the flood as an appreciation and fellowship with the LORD Gen.8:20-21. But GOD wanted to teach the Israelites an offering that had to do with the atonement of sin, true fellowship with HIM and the ability to love and serve HIM with the best. Leviticus chapter 1 talks about the burnt offering unto the LORD, we will surmarize this chapter, so that we will have a clue on what the chapter is talking about and we have are look at the burnt offering GOD commanded to be offered to HIM: Burnt offering acutally means to ascend, literally to go up in smoke, the smoke from the sacrifice ascended to GOD and it was a soothing aroma to the LORD, Lev.1:9, Vs.13, Vs.17. So Any offering burned over an altar was a burnt offering, but in more specific terms, a burnt offering was the complete destruction of the animal, in an effort to renew the relationship between Holy GOD and sinful man. Therefore with the development of the law, GOD gave the Israelites specific instructions as to the types of burnt offerings and what they symbolized. The burnt sacrifice is the most important of all the sacrifices offered to God, because it expressed dedication, this sacrifice was wholly consumed (the skin excepted), which was not the case in any other offering and is also described as the whole burnt offering. The other sacrifices, part were burned and part was eaten by the priests or the offerer himself, but all the burnt offering ascended to GOD in flame and smoke. The offerings were graded in value so that even the poorest worshippers who were conscious of their spiritual need might find access to GOD by coming in complete devotion. The sacrifices signified that the whole man, in whose stead the sacrifice was offered, was to be entirely offered or devoted to GODS service and that the whole man did deserve to be utterly consumed, if GOD should dealt severely with him. This directs us to serve the LORD with all singleness of heart and to be ready to offer to GOD even such sacrifices or services where we ourselves should have no part or benefit from, our services and devotions have to be dedicated to the LORD alone. So Lev.1-17, describes the burnt offering, the Israelites brought a bull, sheep, or goat, a male with no defect and killed it at the entrance to the tabernacle. The animal’s blood was drained and the priest sprinkled blood around the altar, the animal was skinned and cut it into pieces, the intestines and legs washed and the priest burned the pieces over the altar all night. The priest received the skin as a fee for his help. A turtledove or pigeon could also be sacrificed, although they weren’t skinned. The fact that God would accept a bull, a goat, a sheep, or a bird shows that GOD was more interested in the heart of man than in the actual animal being offered, If the sacrifice was made with the right heart, GOD accepted the poor man’s bird as much as the rich man’s bull. A person could give a burnt offering at any time; it was a sacrifice of general atonement, an acknowledgement of the sin nature and a request for renewed relationship with GOD. GOD also set times for the priests to give a burnt offering on behalf of the benefit of the Israelite, although the animals required for each sacrifice varied. Therefore when GOD demanded for a burnt offering, HE wanted the best and HE too gave us HIS best offering JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth who is the perfect burnt offering for the atonement of our sins. CONCERNING LEADERSHIP 1. A Leader should give his best offering to the LORD. The LORD demanded Moses to tell the Israelite to offer HIM, cattle, even of the herd of the flocks Lev.1:2 As we study this chapter we should understand that GOD demanded a burnt offering because of the sins of the children of Israel and HE also wanted a devoted relationship and fellowship with them. But to us Christians today, GOD made HIS offering for sin to us, HE gave the richest, most costly thing HE could, HIMSELF, in the person of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, therefore we should not toil with our salvation for there is no offering to be made again for us in heaven. Anything we are doing to the LORD here on earth, we should do it only for HIM alone, for HE does not share HIS offering with anyone, and therefore we should serve GOD alone and not serving GOD and the world at the same time. So if we have stained our salvation with sin, lets go before the LORD with a repented heart and HE will forgive us, remember there is no forgiveness in heaven. Remain blessed Sir/Ma.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 03:43:58 +0000

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