The book of Matthew mentions heaven and the kingdom of heaven many - TopicsExpress


The book of Matthew mentions heaven and the kingdom of heaven many times and yet I need to mention that our false concepts greatly hinder our ability to receive of these truths most of the time. This is by design because the enemy places these false concepts within the mind to block our receiving the full benefit of all truth just as he has done from the beginning with Adam and Eve. Concerning heaven the general concept is always about the future or of the place we go to when the body dies or else it is the throne of God. While all of these things are of truth the reality is that the kingdom of God is within Luke 17:21 Matt. 19:14But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Then again Jesus mentions having treasure in heaven to which most will defer to a future time and space because of a false conception of heaven. 21Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” Jesus has revealed to us that the kingdom of God is within us, that we may sow righteousness and obtain treasure in this place and that also we are to enter the kingdom. These are not contradictions but manifold aspects of the kingdom. First we must realize that there is a kingdom of God which encompasses all of Gods creation and then within this Kingdom there are levels wherein His throne is the highest, the third heaven with the 2nd heaven being below it but above the earth and then there is the kingdom which currently exist in the children of God upon the earth, within their spirits. This kingdom is not yet been made physically manifest for all to see. When one is born again of the Spirit, the kingdom of heaven enters into him, in his spirit. But then it remains that such a one should mature in life so as to enter into this heaven in active experience, participation and enjoyment. 23And Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. The world and the kingdom of heaven are worlds apart, to say the least so that one who is born again may well have the kingdom deposited within his spirit but it is not until such a one has denied all that which is of the old creation in self and in the world that he may begin to enter into the reality of experience within that kingdom. Until such time as this the kingdom is in his spirit but not yet in heart and soul. Until he walks out of the world leaving it all behind he cannot enter into the kingdom in his spirit for the experience of the eternal , abundant life. And now I close with this statement for those who may see in the light of truth that the natural soul life in the world abides yet in death whether you have been saved or not for no one begins to live until he has entered the kingdom of heaven. You can see this plainly laid out in Matt. 19:13 - 26. First Jesus is speaking of the kingdom which belongs to the children and then immediately we see the discourse of the man rich in the world who wanted to secure for himself eternal life. From there Jesus spoke of obtaining treasure in heaven and entering heaven whereas in the very beginning he related it to entering life. True life.. eternal life begins when one begins to leave the world and the self life therein so as to enter the kingdom of heaven which exists now within your spirit. Then your experience shall become the walk in spirit. Henceforth such a child must be careful because while he yet remains in the world he cannot be of the world. His feet alone may touch the earth but he must continually even wipe or clean off its dust that it might not cling to him and he carry it about where ever he goes. Such a person must deliberately walk upright with his heart and his head (soul) above the earth (in the kingdom of heaven) as opposed to those who crawl on their bellys with both heart and head directly in the dirt and eating the fruit thereof. Such a one as this cannot possibly walk upright in the kingdom of heaven at this time. This is not the proper position for the child of God. The members of the kingdom cannot crawl like the snake but must learn to walk upright as men of God. Consider also the woman bent over double. Though she tried to walk upright the enemys devises were to bend her over so that her heart and soul were facing the ground and not the heavens above. All which the devil does to men is to keep them bent over double or else crawling like a snake upon the earth because Satan shall soon meet his own demise by the kingdom people who walk upright with their God.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:53:08 +0000

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