The brainwashing is very real, and very thorough. I am years - TopicsExpress


The brainwashing is very real, and very thorough. I am years removed from believing the left/right paradigm of government, or governing at all for that matter, and am equally distant from the last time I believed mass murder was somehow noble, or lead to peace. I more recently accepted that those in any military are responsible for their own ignorance, but still remember how swayed I was. All that said, I still perk up when I hear an anthem and see the big flags at the game or the crowds chanting USA USA USA. --I quickly catch my self, but it DOES still happen. THAT is how brutal the brainwashing is. My point is this- there is nothing more foul that cheering mass murder, and I do not defend or condone it, but I do understand that many still need to be awakened to these truths. People from generations past, who lived, bought in, fought, killed, and died under the illusion before the information age are not my enemy and I wish their memories no ill. But speaking out now, when ignorance is a choice, is a valid and heroic way to wake those still in slumber. I have long upset people with my rants on subjects far less disgraceful than war and the military industrial complex, so I now cheer anyone willing to stand up and say ENOUGH!. War is mass murder. Government is coercion of the masses by a select few, against all natural order. Military pride is simply a device to keep the masses cheering death and destruction in the name of some lie, much more palatable than the truth. Sometimes, I am told I over think things. I ask you, HOW can that ever make sense? Can you come to errant conclusions after thought? Certainly. But thinking is never the wrong course of action. THINK about war and military and government and ask yourself the last time you, personally, arbitrarily, thought to yourself; Damn, I bet if I went 10,000 miles away and brutally murdered some people Ive never met, my kids will enjoy next Saturdays BBQ much better than if I dont! --Carl.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 15:45:37 +0000

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