The breakfast saga continues. A lazy Saturday 10am breakfast at - TopicsExpress


The breakfast saga continues. A lazy Saturday 10am breakfast at the Corner Cafe today. This a venue that has featured on this page, this week, and me going there proves the point that all publicity is good publicity. For those that might not know where it is, it is on the corner of Brand and Cromwell Roads in Glenwood. If you want to post them a letter then it is 197 Brand Road to be more specific. I am by no means a regular, because it entails crossing Berea Road, but I have always enjoyed my experience here. It is an unpretentious venue that has a regular, faithful following but with a very laid-back feel. The service however is anything but laid-back and is efficient and prompt. Their splurb, says that the Corner Cafe is saving the world, one cappuccino at a time. And before you question whether the word, splurb actually exists, it does. I looked it up. It means, the sound a duck makes when you throw it against a wall hard. This morning I saw City Councillor for the area, Nicole Graham having a high powered meeting there. The hard-working councillor is a great supporter of the eateries in her ward. Some might know that I am an eggsbenedictophile. Hang in here and you will learn lots of new words. So I was never going to go past the Bagel Benedict on the menu. Two beautifully poached eggs, on salmon, on a home baked bagel and covered in a wonderful Hollandaise sauce. The salmon can be replaced by mushrooms. What else does one need to say. There are plenty of other quirky dishes. The Lonely Hearts breakfast - two boiled eggs with marmite soldiers or the dish that a customer at the next table had, the Breakfast Hot Dog - a pork vienna in a ciabatta roll covered in tomato chutney with a fried egg on top. That is what I will have next time and I noted that my neighbour ordered a bowl of grated cheese which went over the top of everything. There are plenty of health options, Health Heart Omlette and the Bowl of Health and Love. And the food is organic. I am not a coffee drinker, but a friend who is, says they source their coffee beans from Kenya, as does Fortunes in Windermere Centre. Just a warning at the bottom of the breakfast items in the menu. It says, oh and breakfast ends at 11:43 am..... by my watch. I presume that is the watch of owner, Judd Campbell, who greets you and is highly visible. Once again a very pleasant experience. I like the venue, the food and the people.
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 11:00:15 +0000

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