The brethren of the Craft ought not to go to law with one another; - TopicsExpress


The brethren of the Craft ought not to go to law with one another; so at least holds, and with a good show of reason too. On Saturday, June 9, 1877, came before the Queen’s Bench Division a case arising on a demurrer in an action for libel brought by one member of a Freemason’s lodge against a quondam brother. Mr. Wilberforce was gravely arguing the matter at issue on behalf of the plaintiff, when he was stopped by the Judge, who asked him if he was a Mason. The learned gentleman denied the fraternal impeachment. “Are you, Mr.Cave?” pursued Mr.Justice Field, turning to the counsel for the defendant. Mr. Cave replied in the affirmative. Whereupon the Bench, presumably a Worshipful, a Past Master, proceeded to point out that it was contrary to the rules of Masonry to come into a court of law in such a matter; and that it would be much better to ask the Grand Master of the Freemasons to interfere, and decide the question. Mason Mr. Caves said that he should desire nothing better for such a solution of the affair; but non-mason Mr. Willerforce remarked that the plaintiff had made applications to the Grand Master, and that this august personage had held the case to be one for a law court. Mr.Justice Field adhered, however, to his view that the matter was a subject eminently for the consideration of the Grand Master; and his Lordship actually ordered that the case should stand over for reference to the Masonic Hierarch. It is not doubt, a very blessed thing that the litigation should be arrested in its early stages; but this is certainly the first instance which of any legal status being accorded to a purely convivial and benevolent society. -‘The Masonic Record’ Jubbulpore, July, 1877, (Vol.XIV, No.4)
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 09:58:00 +0000

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