The camp was amazing! So heres a special thank you to everyone, - TopicsExpress


The camp was amazing! So heres a special thank you to everyone, in the way I know best. Please read and enjoy. Know that its from the bottom of my heart. :) ****** I cant dance. And I struggle to write. But these are my undertakings because I believe it is important to have self-expression. And it is because of this steadfast belief that I ended up at Bahar Bayram camp. There was something magical lingering in the air there. I cant quite put my finger on it. Youd think it would be lost in the noisy comraderie, the cacophony of 160 or so happy campers but it was there, blanketing all of them with togetherness and positivity. This special feeling was everywhere. Sometimes subtle, like in Mikes gaze while Tamara was dancing. (I love watching people watching other people. Sometimes you get a glimpse of something wonderful like this.) Sometimes it just explodes on stage, like when musicians and dancers do more of the work that they strive to perfect. And Im not talking about showmanship or entertainment. Its not just about women parading around in slinky, barely there outfits. Its about appreciating culture and tradition. Its saying youre not forgotten, you are appreciated and you are loved. Tradition is immortal only because it is beloved. It takes one with vision for this to come to pass and lucky for us this was the vision of one very brave woman. Shes so effortlessly beautiful in every possible way inside and out. Because of Tamara, we have Bahar Bayram. Because of Tamara, magic happens. So many different people, from different backgrounds, with different languages came together. All because of Tamara. And I thank her without reservation. But with this feeling we tend to forget war and disharmony threatens existence in other parts of the world. We are distanced. We are desensitised. We are blinded. However, when i do remember, it makes me sad. And sometimes, when it gets closer to me, it makes me cry. Like it did to me with Omid. I was tearing up at his story, trying to inconspicuously wipe away stray tears because I felt sufficiently chided about my sheltered lifestyle. I was also humbled because even sitting in the front row with my back to the masses, I could feel overwhelming love and support for him. I know we each have our own stories. And please dont feel like Im dismissing or trivialising everyone else. That is not my intention. I got called naive at the camp because i believe in the power of humanity. If that is the price to pay for believing in unfailing love, inherent goodness and just having faith that someone somewhere can be the selfless hero that the world needs, Id gladly take that label. Im only 24, wet behind the ears but eager to learn. Dont let these idealistic notions be destroyed. It needs to be nurtured because innocence is a rare and fragile thing. And once its gone, its gone forever. Ive still got a long way to go but I did learn a lot at camp. And I dont only refer to the many many workshops. The thing I took away that I value most of all, is what I learnt when you thought I wasnt looking. I learnt to be like Tamara, to take one idea and be commited to see its fruition. I learnt to be like Moya who is so Moya and saying anything else is just inadequate to capture the very essence that is her. I learnt to be like Alice who is just so in her quiet unassuming way but makes your breath catch in your chest when she starts to dance. I learnt to be like Michelle, who is so wonderful on stage and off, who is larger than life... where her stage self and personal self are one and the same. Its so wonderful to see and I love it! And there are also others to thank, names and deeds that escape me now. It is not good enough but please believe that I am truly very grateful. So to all I met at Bahar Bayram... thank you. Love, peace and good thoughts to all. Salam. Leah.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 10:29:21 +0000

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