The capital city of a country is very often its1 greatest city, - TopicsExpress


The capital city of a country is very often its1 greatest city, with the largest population and the most important administrative buildings. Capital cities house government offices, as well as embassies from other countries. They2 are also financial centres, containing national and international banks and other financial institutions. Amman is no different from other capital cities in this respect – it3 is the seat of government and the economic and cultural centre of Jordan. Amman has the biggest population of any city in Jordan and is home to about a third of the people − 2.3 million people! Although many of the buildings are very smart and futuristic, the city actually has a history going back over 8,000 years. It4 was only established as the capital in 1921, but has many ancient buildings.. Brasilia, the capital city of Brazil, is both similar to and different from Amman. Like Amman, it5 is an administrative centre and contains the key political buildings and institutions. However, unlike Amman, Brasilia is not the major cultural or economic center of Brazil, and with 2.5 million people, it6 is home to only a tiny fraction of the huge Brazilian population. Built in the late 1950s, it7 is a new city and has only been the capital of Brazil since 1960. It8 took over from Rio de Janeiro, which remains a major economic and cultural centre, as well as having a population of many millions more. Brasilia is a very modern city and because it9 is so new, planners were able to strictly regulate its10 layout. It11 is divided into sectors, with specific zones for business, industry, government and residential areas. 1.According to the text, write down the features of capital cities? 2.What kind of administrative buildings do capital cities have? 3.How can you show that capital cities are important financial centres? 4.Amman is the capital of Jordan which is similar to other capital cities in many ways. Mention these ways. 5.Write down the sentence which indicates that Amman is an ancient city. 6.Find a word in the last paragraph which means control
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:43:24 +0000

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