The causes of a complete Baluchistan and Kurdistan have more - TopicsExpress


The causes of a complete Baluchistan and Kurdistan have more historical, moral, and cultural legitimacy than many of the possible new countries on the provocative map below. For those wishing to pursue a strategy of Mideast Balkanization, remember that some forms of Balkanization are better than others. The Slovenes reached out to Serbs of good will, while efficiently arming and training their own forces to win the first battle decisively. The casualties on both sides together were less than a hundred, most of them Serb aggressors. The Bosnian leader, initially forbade the Bosnian forces to arm, which cost nation 200,000 murdered and raped and another million driven off their land. My native Lithuania pursued a similar model to Slovenia, with even fewer casualties, although we had eariler lost nearly a third of us in the wars against Soviet occupation. I had the honor to help in this wonderful victory as described at the following ceremony... facebook/permalink.php?id=166004476793316&story_fbid=535329309860829
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 13:04:17 +0000

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