The cavern echoed like a moaning beast as he landed. Immediately - TopicsExpress


The cavern echoed like a moaning beast as he landed. Immediately drawing the small torch and flint from his pack, and lighting it in only moments, he gained his first glimpse of the smooth, stone-sand beneath him. Raising it above his head, he gasped, the vastness of his hiding place unlike anything he had ever seen, his light much too small to illuminate its farthest reaches. Reflections of the flames flickered against the closest sides of thousands of spikes that hung from the ceilings. The ground was merely the tip of a large stone-sand pile, as if a giant had poured the contents of a cup over this cavern, allowing waves to form and harden over the eons. As careful as a cat choosing its footing, he crawled slowly towards the bottom, his efforts slowed by the weight on his back and the torch in his hand. Scurries of bats and other dark loving animals echoed around him, their cries in protest to the light he carried like clashing irons against his ears. He dared not wander too far, even as he glanced back up to the sunlit patch now nearly a hundred paces above him. His trail was marked only by the soft imprint of his steps against the layers of sweet smelling mush that lined a few sections of the floor. He quickly turned back to face the outermost rims, his torch as a searing blaze to his sight. The light temporarily caused his eyes to go black, so as he turned away from it to the darkness in hopes of remedying the mars on his vision, he first thought the small white fleck to be nothing more than an allusion. Yet as his eyes focused, so did his thoughts scatter. The torch struck the stone with the sound of a thousand drum clouds, sparks flying in the space between them. The loosely hanging folds of her faded clothes were unable to hide the pearlescent aura of her skin. Solid orbs as blue as the ocean he called home were lit with the clashing flames. Her small, silvery lips gaped, pale brows raised in obvious surprise, even as he forgot to breathe. The angled shape of her probing gaze rose and puckered as he began to pick the torch up out of reflex. She retreated a slow step, never taking her eyes off his. “It is alright.” He soothed her, raising his hands to his sides. She froze at his movement, her silvery lip disappearing into her mouth in nervous wonder. How long must this child have dwelled in the darkness to lose so much of her color? He studied the fabric draping over her thin frame, the plain dress made for a child double her size, the tousled set of her billowy hair, so white it glowed in the light. White like an elder but with the face of a babe – she was an instant puzzle, a quest. ^^^^ (O_O) So, while publishing Take the Breath Out of Me, I am also in the process of writing, The Waterbound Epic. This is 301, where the two main characters of the 4 part series first meet.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 03:22:34 +0000

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