The centralization of land ownership in the hands of an ever - TopicsExpress


The centralization of land ownership in the hands of an ever smaller wealthy elite is the source of most of the worlds problems not just racism. It benefits only a handful of extremely wealthy billionaires and causes hundreds of trillions of dollars of problems every year. If land were decentralized into the hands of the many instead of the few then the world could truly begin to prosper and live at peace in abundance and sustainability. Citys are about creating a large dependant class of people who must work to create profit for the land owners. The solution is simple decentralized and thrive. There is more than enough land in this country and in the world for everyone to have a huge estate, yet we continue to pay absurdly large rents to live in homes the size of closets. Living in the city means you need to import your food from out of the city which means that you are dependant. Wake up people slavery never ended, it just changed from one type of slavery into another. This new kind of slavery is about debt instead of physical bondage. You get to choose your master but you are not free until you can decide when you want to wake up and if you want to work at all and live comfortably even if you decide you dont want to work for someone else. If everyone owned land free and clear without a mortgage, people would work but not as much, people would spend more time reading writing playing with their children, traveling and creating art. Reperations needs to be paid in land to everyone who is decended from slaves or native Americans. And this shouldnt trouble any privileged whites one bit in fact it should boost the economy because people will be building homes and factories again. But it will threaten landlords because they wont have as many people wanting to rent. Anyway just because reperations might not be entirely painless doesnt mean we shouldnt do it. Lets get over it and be done with it because the longer you wait to pay reperations the greater the expense will be.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 05:14:49 +0000

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