The characteristics of The Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alahei wa - TopicsExpress


The characteristics of The Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alahei wa Salem) In the Name of Allaah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. There are many examples of monks who had never came across the Qur`an or the hadeeths of Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him), but when they first came across the descriptions and lineage of Prophet Muhammad (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him) - and the Signs (beyond the ability of mankind) given to him - they accepted Islaam. Why? Due to it matching exactly what was still salvaged from the previous Revelations. The Characteristics of Muhammad (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him), by Imaam Al-Maqdisi The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him) was the bravest of the people. Ali bin Abu Talib (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: When the fighting got severe, and the people met their enemies, we used to find shelter with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings be upon him).[1] He was the most generous of the people; he never said no when requested anything (permissible) from anyone. He was the most patient of all people. He was more shy than a virgin in her seclusion. He never fixed his gaze on (never stared at) anyone. He never sought revenge for himself, nor did he ever get angry for himself. But whenever the boundaries of Allaah were violated, he used to avenge for them only, and when he was angry, no one could intercede with him. The far and the near - the weak and the strong - were all equal before him as far as rights were concerned. He never criticized any kind of food. If he liked it, he would eat of it. If not, he would refrain. He never ate reclining, nor did he eat on a table. He never prohibited himself from enjoying the permissible things. If he found dried dates, he would eat them. If he found roasted meat, he would eat of that as well. If he found bread baked of wheat or barely, he would eat of it. If he found milk, it would be enough for him. He ate watermelon with fresh dates, and he was particularly fond of sweets and honey. Abu Hurairah (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated: Allaahs Messenger (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him) left this world without satisfying his hunger even with barely bread.[2] It was also said: Sometimes a month or two would pass before a fire was lit in the house of the Prophet (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him), and their food was only dates and water.[3] He would accept gifts of food and would give something to those who gave a gift to him. But he never ate from charity. He never indulged in luxurious food nor garments. He ate what he had and wore what he had. He mended his own clothes and patched his own clothes. He helped his family with the daily household chores, and used to visit the sick among the people. He was the most modest of the people, and would answer the invitation of any who invited him, whether that person was rich or por, common or noble. He loved the poor and the needy (from the believers), and attended their funerals, and visited the sick among them. He never insulted a poor man for his poverty, nor feared a rich (man) because of his power and status. He used to ride on a horse, a camel, a donkey, and a mule. He would let his servant or someone else ride on the saddle behind him. He never allowed anyone to walk behind him, and used to say: Let my back for the angels.[4] He used to wear woolen garments and sewn shoes. The garment he liked most was Hibarah, a type of cloak made in Yemen, which had red and white in it. His ring and its face were made of silver. He used to wear it on his right little finger, or sometimes on the left. He would tie a stone to his belly out of hunger, preferring the provisions of the life of the Hereafter to holding the keys to the treasures of this wordly life. He used to mention Allaah much, and never indulged in vain talk. He used to shorten the sermon and prolong the prayer. Although he had many concerns, he always maintained a cheerful disposition, and offered a smile as a means of greeting. He liked good scents and disliked bad odors. He used to entertain the noble, and was generous to the virtuous people. He used to meet all the people cheerfully, and was never known to be rough or unkind to anyone. He did not deny the permissible playing. He would jest, but would always speak the truth. He would accept the excuse from the one who gave it. He possessed both male and female servants, but never felt haughty nor placed himself above them in food or clothes. He never wasted time. He was in the service of Allaah at all times, even when conducting the routine, mundane chores of everyday life. He was a shepard, and he (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him) said: Allaah did not send any Prophet except that he was a shepard.[5] Aa`ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) was asked about the character of the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him), and she said: His character was (precisely the character commanded with and mentioned in) the Qur`an.[6] He hated for the sake of Allaah, and he loved for the sake of Allaah. In an authentic hadeeth, Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: I never touched silk or velvet softer than the hand of the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him), and never smelled any smell - regardless of what it was - that was more pleasant than the smell of the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him). I served the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him) for 10 years, and he never said to me uff (a minor harsh word denoting impatience) and never blamed me by saying, Why did you do so, or why didnt you do so?[7] Allaah, The Almighty, bestowed on His Messenger Muhammad perfect morals and perfect deeds. He endowed him with knowledge about the early people and the people to come. He revealed to His Messenger that which if the people followed, they would be saved - yet Muhammad was unlettered. Muhammad never read nor wrote and he had no tutor of any kind. Muhammad was born in the desert of Arabia during the period of ignorance, yet Allaah The Almighty gave to him what He gave to none before him, nor will He give to anyone after him. Allaah The Almighty chose him above all of the creation, so we ask Allaah that His peace and blessings be upon Muhammad until the Day of Judgment. Notes: [1] Similar was recorded in Musnad of Imaam Ahmad (no. 564), and it was graded authentic by Ahmad Shakir. [2] Bukharee (no. 5414). [3] Bukharee (no. 6458) and Muslim (no. 2972). [4] Ahmad 3:398, Ibn Maajah (no. 246), Al-Hakim 4:281, and Ibn Hibban (no. 2099 (Al-Mawarid)); Al-Albaanee graded it authentic in As-Saheeha (no. 1557). [5] Bukharee (nos. 2262, 5453) and Muslim (no. 2050). [6] Muslim (no. 746), Abu Dawood (no. 1342), and An-Nasaa`ee (3:199). [7] Bukharee (no. 3561), Muslim (no. 2309), and Abu Dawood (no. 4774). Note: Some modifications were made. Source: Short Biographies of the Prophet (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him) and His Ten Companions, by Imaam Al-Maqdisi (600 H). A monk, who was inquiring concerning Prophet Muhammad (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him), saw Imaam Al-Maqdisi and was amazed by him. This monk went to Imaam Al-Maqdisi, who mentioned to the monk some of the characteristics and Signs and the lineage of our Prophet Muhammad (may Allaahs peace and blessings be upon him.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 03:07:45 +0000

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