The charismatic life is a truly blessed life. You feel God - TopicsExpress


The charismatic life is a truly blessed life. You feel God speaking to you every moment of your life, it is as if every little part of creation is addressing you and each has a special message for you alone. I had long felt this, even before I joined the movement, but looking back today I knew it was in preparation for this life. You see, my first job was promoting music in a recording company. It was a wonderful job, Practically all the music in the world was at my disposal, and I was hobnobbing with the most popular artists at the time both local and international. I was dining at the finest restaurants and had opportunities to travel abroad, too. But exciting as it was, I had to leave it. Curiously, I didnt exactly know why, but I suspect it was because it was too sinful an environment. We all know the entertainment industry is the hotbed of all vices and intrigue. Oh, I did go into business - an ironworks shop - but that didnt pan out and soon I found myself in advertising, before eventually landing in the countrys largest food and beverage company as a public relations staff. It was such a glamorous field. Much like entertainment, it was fun, fun, fun all the way, with food and beer flowing all the way as part of the job and surrounded by so many beautiful people. Sin was never far away, I was, in fact in the middle of it. As before, events conspired to lead me to leave the job. Despite the promises the position held (I was getting promoted practically every year and was looking forward to a officership there). I soon found myself working as a consultant to one of the owners one of the largest bus companies in the country, attending to the marketing needs of his personally businesses - in real estate and television productions. It was here that I was introduced into the charismatic life, when my boss invited me and my wife to attend a marriage encounter seminar. Curiously, it was also here that I experienced one of the deepest crises of my life. I had a falling out with my boss and found myself without a job, yet deeply involved in the ME movement. It was here, too, that I experienced most clearly Gods hand directly guiding me through life. After a couple of intermediate jobs in advertising and marketing promotions, I found myself working as editor in a religious publishing house. I suddenly realized God wanted me for himself and directed me to focus only on his work. At this point, I realized that every aspect of my life - my family, career and vocation involved God and God alone. No, I did not think of my life as unique at all. the fact is, this is actually what God expects of every one one us: that we dedicate our lives to him in its aspects. Most of us do not realize this, as we go about our affairs thinking of our own personal concerns. Its only a matter of attitude that we need to adapt. He could direct our lives, but only if we allow him, and not insist on our ways.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 21:28:39 +0000

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