The cheapest petrol in the world! 10. Algeria: Algiers — Rs - TopicsExpress


The cheapest petrol in the world! 10. Algeria: Algiers — Rs 15.72 per litre Algeria is one of the Africa’s biggest oil producers turning out an average of 1.2 million barrels a day. This flood of oil has pushed down petrol prices in the country to Rs.15.72 per litre, more than four times cheaper than the average pump price here in India. The country’s petrol supplies also played a vital role in the recent battle against Colonel Gaddafi in neighbouring Libya. With petrol production in the war-torn country running dry, rebel fighters relied on smuggled fuel from Algeria to power the final push against the corrupt dictator. Hurrah! 9. Oman: Muscat — Rs 15.68 per litre Oman’s petrol prices also stand just under Rs 15.72 per litre. Like Algeria, the Arabic state is drenched in oil, stepping up production in the last six months to 878,000 barrels every day. 8. Egypt: Cairo — Rs 14.90 per litre Egypt is something of a transport hub when it comes to petrol. The Suez Canal a vital supply line running across the east of the country carries an estimated one million barrels of oil from the Persian Gulf every day. That’s why at the peak of the country’s revolution against former President Hosni Mubarak, oil prices began to climb, amid fears that the unrest would interfere with the Suez supply route. But while this oil price rise pushes up petrol costs here in the India, the rate petrol is sold at the pump over in Egypt remains relatively low, at just Rs 14.90 per litre. But with the country’s government still anything but stable, it’s anyone guess as to how long costs will stay this cheap. 7. Qatar: Doha — Rs 11.70 per litre Prior to the discovery of oil in Qatar, the small Arab emirates’ economy was mainly built on fishing and pearl hunting. Now the country’s national petroleum supplier accounts for 70% of the government’s revenue. Recent high oil prices have made per capita income in Qatar amongst the highest across the globe while petrol prices are the seventh lowest at just Rs 11.70 per litre. 6. Kuwait: Kuwait City — Rs 11.00 per litre Kuwait is tenth largest oil producer in the world and its supply is thought to account for 10% of global reserves. But nevertheless, the government subsidises both public transport and petrol bringing prices down to just Rs 11 per litre. 5. Bahrain: Manama — Rs 10.20 per litre Compared with its Middle-Eastern neighbours, Bahrain has fairly limited oil supplies. However 60% of the country’s economy is still rooted in petroleum refining, which has grown strongly over the last ten years. The country is at fifth in the rankings with an average petrol price of just Rs 10.20 per litre. 4. Turkmenistan: Ashgabat — Rs 9.40 per litre The Indian government taxes petrol to the high-heaven, while in Turkmenistan they give it away — literally. Every driver in the Turkic state is entitled to 120 litres of petrol for free every month. If they exceed this, the pump price is only Rs 9.40 per litre. 3. Libya: Tripoli — Rs 7.05 per litre As I mentioned earlier, petrol supplies in Libya have dried up recently owing to the closure of several oil plants in the midst of unrest in the country. But when pumping at its prime level, the country is the ninth largest oil producer with an average petrol price of just Rs 7.05 per litre. 2. Saudi Arabia: Riyadh — Rs 6.20 per litre Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of petroleum in the world. Domestically fuel prices sit at around Rs 6.20 per litre. Yet only half of the population can take advantage of these low rates; as women in Saudi Arabia are banned from driving due to a religious fatwa (Islamic law) imposed by conservative Muslim clerics. 1. Venezuela: Caracas — Rs 2 per litre Yes, to get hold of the cheapest petrol in the world, you’ll have to travel all the way to the South American country of Venezuela. Petrol is just Rs 2 per litre in the socialist republic — that’s around 54 times cheaper than prices here in India. So if you have a 70 litre fuel tank in your car, you could fill it up in Venezuela for around Rs 140. While In India it would cost you a whopping Rs 4480.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 08:18:30 +0000

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