The choice and opportunities are endless and depend on your - TopicsExpress


The choice and opportunities are endless and depend on your interests, application and perhaps some luck. You may already have decided how you intend to use your degree in your future career but many of you may still be waiting for that bolt of lighting. So, What can I do with my degree – is the big question? B.Com. graduates are placed at an advantage when it comes to the options that are available to all graduates be it B.A., B.Sc., B.B.M., B.B.A. etc. The numerous options for B.Com. graduates are: • Becoming accountants, auditors, information systems officers, taxation specialists and customer relationship officers: ◦ in the Accounting and Computer Profession, ◦ in the Finance and Banking Industry, ◦ in the Corporate Sector and at all levels of the Public Sector. Your job may include – administration, credit control, hospitality, management, business planning and development, production planning and control, purchasing, inventory control, service delivery, quality management, marketing, retail sales and travel and tourism. Careers with numbers – Accounting – it is sometimes called the language of business. In strict terms, Accounting involves communication of specialized information that helps people make management and investment decisions concerning public or private sector organizations. The major role of an Accountant is to measure, interpret and communicate information, which is relevant to these decisions. The field of Accounting offers stimulating and challenging work that is constantly evolving. Because Accountants spend a lot of time looking under the hoods of businesses, they really learn how business works. Your careers as an Auditor – includes checking accounting ledgers and financial statements within corporations and Government. Audit is the bread and butter work of Accounting. It can involve significant travel and allows you to really understand how money is being made in the company that you are analyzing. B.Com. Graduates are preferred in the H.R. Department in all areas of Corporate Sector, Tourism, Hospitals and Hotel Industry — because H.R. professionals should have the fundamental knowledge of finance, marketing, operations and systems, budgeting and business planning and also need to understand the language of Business manager. Commerce graduate having studied marketing and marketing management can also take to management, consultation, product management, market research, and public relations — in the Promotional and Advertising Sectors.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 06:59:50 +0000

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