The church is manifestly an interruption of God’s program for - TopicsExpress


The church is manifestly an interruption of God’s program for Israel, which was not brought into being until Israel’s rejection of the offer of the kingdom. It must logically follow that this mystery program must itself be brought to a conclusion before God can resume His dealings with the nation of Israel, as has been shown previously He will do. The mystery program that was so distinct in its inception will certainly be separate at its conclusion. This program must be concluded before God resumes and culminates His program for Israel. This mystery concept of the church makes a pretribulation rapture a necessity. Israel and the church represent two distinct and separate programs. The rapture is part of God’s program for the Church, while the revelation of Himself to the nations is part of God’s program for Israel. These are different groups/entities and should not be confused {1st Corinthians 10:32}. While the two may have several similarities, there are, at least twenty-four differences. ***The Differences Between Israel And The Church*** ***Israel*** (1) Extent of Biblical Revelation {4/5 of the bible} (2) Divine Purpose {Earthly promises in covenants} (3) Physical Seed of Abraham: (4) Physical birth that produces relationship: (5) Headship {Abraham}: (6) Abrahamic and all the following covenants: (7) One nation {Nationality} (8) Divine Dealing: National and individual: (9) Dispensations: Seen in all from Abraham: (10) Ministry: No Missionary Activity, No Gospel to preach: (11) Death of Christ: Guilty nationally, to be saved by it: (12) The Father: God was Father to the nation: (13) Christ: Messiah, Immanuel, King: (14) The Holy Spirit: Come upon some temporarily: (15) A Governing Principle: Mosaic Law System: (16) Divine Enablement: None: (17) Two Farewell Discourses: Olivet Discourse: (18) The Promise of Christ’s Return: In Power and Glory for judgment: (19) Position: A Servant: (20) Christ’s Earthly Reign: Subjects: (21) Priesthood: Had Priesthood: (22) Marriage: Unfaithful Wife: (23) Judgments: Must Face Judgment: (24) Position in Eternity: Spirits of just men made perfect in the New Earth: ***Church*** (1) Extent of Biblical Revelation {1/5 of the Bible} (2) Divine Purpose {Heavenly promises in Gospel}: (3) Spiritual seed of Abraham: (4) Spiritual Birth that produces Relationship: (5) Headship {Christ} (6) Indirectly related to the Abrahamic and New Covenants: (7) From all nations {{Nationality} (8) Divine Dealing: Individual Only: (9) Dispensations: Only in present dispensation: (10) A Commission to fulfill: (11) Death of Christ: Perfectly saved now: (12) The Father: God is Heavenly Father: (13) Christ: Savior, Lord, Bridegroom, Head: (14) The Holy Spirit: Indwells all: (15) A Governing Principle: Grace System: (16) Divine Enablement: Indwelling Holy Spirit: (17) Two Farewell Discourses: upper Room Discourse: (18) The Promise of Christ’s Return: To Receive us to Himself: (19) Position: members of a Family: (20) Christ’s Earthly Reign: Co-reigners: (21) Priesthood: Is a Priesthood: (22) Marriage: Bride: (23) Judgments: Delivered from all judgment: (24) Position in Eternity: Church of the Firstborn in the heavens: Fellow believers, if we say that the “church” enters the Great Tribulation Period, we have difficulty harmonizing that idea with the unique relationship that exists between Christ and the Church. Christ and His Church are vitally and intricately united together; if the Church goes through wrath; i. e., the Great Tribulation, then Christ must also pass through wrath a second time. This conclusion minimizes the accomplishments of Christ in His works at Calvary. Pentecost emphasizes this, they would not have to endure the Tribulation {Revelation 3:10} Since the church is the body, of which Christ is the Head {Ephesians 1:22, 5:23; Colossians 1:18}, the bride of which He is the Bridegroom {1st Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:23}, the object of Christ’s love {Ephesians 5:25}, the branch of which He is the Root and Stem {St. John 15:5}, the building, of which He is the Foundation and Cornerstone {1st Corinthians 3:9; Ephesians 2:19-22}, there exists between the believer and the Lord a union and unity. The believer is no longer separated from Him, but is brought into the closest oneness with Him. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, if the Church is the seventieth week, she is subjected to the wrath, judgment, and indignation that characterize the period, and because of her oneness with Christ, He, likewise, would be subjected to that same visitation. This is impossible according to 1st John 4:17, for He cannot be brought into judgment again; inasmuch as the church has been perfected and delivered from all judgment {Romans 8:1; St. John 5:24; 1st John 4:17}, if she is subjected to judgment again, the promises of God would be of none effect and the death of Christ would be ineffectual. Who would dare to assert that the death of Christ could fail to accomplish its purpose? While the members may be experimentally imperfect and need experimental cleansing, yet the church, which is His body, has a perfect standing in Christ and could not need such cleansing. The nature of the testing in the seventieth week, as stated in Revelation 3:10, is not to bring the individual to cleansing, but to reveal the degradation and need of the unregenerate heart (Israel). The nature of the Church prevents such testing. [The Day of the Lord Is Surely Coming “Isaiah 2:12, Ezekiel 13:5.”]… [Towns pp. 776-778] ***I May Be Ignorant To Jewish Religion, But I Am Quite Familiar With Gods Perfect Word, Which Is Of Utmost Importance To Me***
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 14:46:20 +0000

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