The closing date for Northern Rivers Community Sector Awards - TopicsExpress


The closing date for Northern Rivers Community Sector Awards nominations has been extended until October 21, so PLEASE take a few moments to nominate an individual, team, or organisation you know who does an amazing job of making the world a better place to live in! You can nominate someone you work with, or even your own work team or organisation for one of the awards!!!! There are some great cash prizes for winners this year! Visit to nominate! Who can I nominate? It could be the hard working, quiet achiever finance officer in your not-for-profit you nominate for the Centre of the Universe Award, or you could nominate inspirational staff for the Most Inspirational Award. You could also nominate a volunteer for the Above and Beyond the Call of Duty Award or a group for the Community Group or Team Award. This year, a new community innovation award recognises the provision of innovative solutions to community needs or problems. It might be through delivering a workplace program that reaches a new group of people and provides service to the community. Whether large or small, this innovation will have a social impact; from providing an innovative contribution to social justice or simply helping people share resources. Buy tickets to the ball now (and free tix for volunteers!) Award winners will receive some great prizes and be announced at the 2013 Community Sector Ball and Awards Night on November 9. Tickets are on sale now and there are some free tickets available for volunteers! and the night includes a three course meal and entertainment from Lisa Hunt, Kerrianne Cox, The Lollipop Ladies and MC Mandy Nolan. Come dressed in the theme of masquerade and encourage your workmates to book a table together - theres even a prize for the best dressed team on the night! When booking tickets, please be sure to indicate your dietary requirements or we wont be able to accommodate your preferences on the night.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:23:13 +0000

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