The coalition of western imperialists are seeking to have North - TopicsExpress


The coalition of western imperialists are seeking to have North Korea sent to the ICC. .... Firstly, North Korea is not even a State member, and this means there will be a lengthy discussion about the issue of jurisdiction of the ICC on that Asian country. .... Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un never travels abroad. In case he does, he will never go beyond Russia and China. So, how on earth will they ever bring him to justice? .... And I totally disagree with the kind of Justice System being utilized at the ICC. ... The ICC utilizes the Retributive Style of justice (you know, an eye for an eye). The ICC guys believe if you commit a crime, then harsh punishments must be imposed irrespective of the consequences. ... The focus of the ICC is in inflicting pain and suffering. ... Let me tell you, I come from a different School of Thought. I only support only two kinds of Justice: Restorative and Utilitarian Justice. ... Utilitarian Justice seeks to maximize happiness, or utility. Utilitarianism focuses on the good of the society. For instance, had the ICC been utilizing this form of justice, they would be asking themselves this question: .. Is jailing W.S. Ruto the best way to ensure that Kenyans are happy? Could it be the best way of facilitating reconciliation amongst communities living in Kenya? They disregard such questions since they only care about inflicting pain on people. ..... With restorative justice, the focus is on the accused. Had they been using this one, they would be asking themselves: Does jailing an accused party help in reforming them? i.e. making them better people? .. Of course they disregard the issue of reforming/restoring an individual. They jail you for 60 years; so how do they expect you to become a better person and serve your community optimally after the completion of a 50-year jail-term? .... Their focus is on inflicting pain, possibly hoping to have you die in prison. And a dead person is not a better person. A dead person is dead, and thats it. .... I favor utilitarianism since the good of the society should always be Supreme. .. If jailing Ruto is bound to make our country more divided than ever, then he should be released: the case should be dropped. .... If prosecuting the leader of North Korea would cause chaos, anarchy, and genocide in that country, then he should just be left alone. .... But I am not saying that all criminals should be left alone, all I am saying is that whatever happened should never be the only basis upon which decisions are made. We should always think about the future, and the impact that our current decisions will have on that future. In any case, an eye for an eye will make us all blind.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:34:35 +0000

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