The commencement of Fall Athletics has inspired us to address the - TopicsExpress


The commencement of Fall Athletics has inspired us to address the 3 most common injuries involved in popular seasonal sports. Our goal is to increase your knowledge and awareness of these ailments and how Houghton PT can help restore your body to operating at its’ peak level of performance. Football Although both mental and physical toughness mark the signs of a great football athlete- it is also critical for you to know when to rejuvenate and heal your body at the first sign of injury in order to prevent more serious future ailments. Many pro athletes fail to ignore the importance of PT recovery and either rush to return or ignore signs and symptoms altogether which often results in severe or permanent future physical injuries. It is important to identify and take proper measures to recover from these injuries in order to make sure you can enjoy the sport you love for years beyond most. The 3 most common football injuries include: ACL Injuries, MCL Injuries, and Torn Meniscus. ACL Injuries occur when the anterior cruciate ligament in the knee becomes damaged or torn when a player is impacted from the front or rear. MCL Injuries occur when the medial collateral ligament in the knee is impacted from the side. Torn Meniscus Injuries occur when a player rotates their body with their foot planted, resulting in the knee twisting and the meniscus tearing. At Houghton PT, we design a personalized physical rehab plan to allow the smoothest, most efficient road to recovery in order to get you back on the field performing at your best (and with the knowledge of exercises and movements necessary to prevent re-injury). We will not just take you through the routine motions of recovery exercise-we will train you to enhance your body awareness and understand the importance of specific movements to ensure the proper functionality of essential muscles while both on and off the field. Not only will it give you the confidence while performing, it will benefit the wellness of your everyday life for many years to come. For all three most common injuries: ACL, MCL, and Torn Meniscus, we will work on strengthening your muscles and ligaments, based on the individualized circumstances of your injury, and increase your stability in the affected area so that performing is comfortable and anxiety-free when it’s time to return to your beloved sport. Volleyball If there is anything volleyball players know-it’s that their sport is more physical and at risk for injury than the Average Joe anticipates. However, not too often are those common injuries addressed. Volleyball invites injuries such as Rotator Cuff Tendinitis, ACL Injuries, and Chronic Low Back Pain. Rotator Cuff Tendinitis can be caused when shoulder muscles become irritated and fatigued with overuse from serving and spiking. ACL Injuries are a result of knee ligaments tearing-often from landing incorrectly after jumping. Chronic Low Back Pain is most commonly the result of a muscle/ligament strain. More severe chronic low back pain is the result of a herniated disk or a stress fracture known as spondylolysis. The reason these injuries are so dangerous is because they can be easily overlooked by an athlete with a high pain tolerance. Many of these injuries tend to evolve into ailments more severe overtime. However, if treated earlier, their long term impact on the body could be minimized or prevented altogether. Even if your physical pain is minor, if you are a fall volleyball athlete with an active season ahead of you- do not hesitate to come in for a routine visit and allow Houghton PT to help strengthen your muscles and restore your body to its optimal level of performance. Soccer Between the pre-season conditioning, intense practice sessions, and rigorous games, you are bound to be hounded by some nuisance of an injury this season, no matter how minimal. ACL Injuries, Stress Fractures, and Sprains are the most common ailments amongst competitive soccer athletes. The quicker you are able to identify these injuries, the more efficient measures we can take to ensure your recovery and get those cleats laced up for the battlefield. ACL Injuries on the soccer field are most commonly attributed to direct contact with other players that result in the tearing of knee ligaments. Stress Fractures occur most frequently due to bones becoming weak from overuse. Sprains, Shins Splints, Knee, Ankle Pain, Groin Pulls, and Muscle Strains are also extremely common injuries that can be managed and healed through the use physical therapy. Just because you can function with minimal pain does not mean you are performing at your best. Why struggle through the persistent pain of minor injury when our PT’s can help create a workout /recovery program that ensures the stability and strengthening of your most utilized muscles? Whether it’s rehab/recovery or muscle maintenance, we are here to help you reach your fitness goals and help you return to your athletic passion with courageous confidence. The physical benefits are endless, and you will acquire the knowledge of exercises, tools and proper techniques to benefit your physical health.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:30:35 +0000

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