The concept of Taqleed in the Quran Verse Number 4. ....So, - TopicsExpress


The concept of Taqleed in the Quran Verse Number 4. ....So, if you do not know, ask those of remembrance. (Surah Al Nahl:43) There is an academic principle in this verse, which is that those who are not experts in a field should resort to seeking advice from those who are and act accordingly. Shaykh Aloosi writes in the commentary of this verse: This verse has been used to prove that referring to scholars is necessary in cases where one does not have knowledge of the issue in question. Imam Suyuti in his `Ikleel writes that this verse has been used to prove the point that the lay person may follow another Imam [Make Taqleed of] in details of Islamic Law. (1) The question often raised concerning this verse is that it pertains to a specific incident; the polythesists denied the prophethood of Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wa sallam and they would mockingly request as to why no angel was sent as a Messenger. In reply the following verse was revealed: And We have not sent anyone before you except that they are men (humans) to whom We revealed. So, if you do not know ask those of remembrance. (Surah Nahl : 43) Some commentators take .... Those of remembrance (Dhikr) to mean the scholars of the People of Book. Others claim that it refers to the people of Book who were present during the era of the Prophet. Few other scholars believe it is in reference to the `Ahle Quran [People of the Quran], the Muslims. Whatever the meaning of the verse people were aware of the fact that Prophets were human beings and not angels. It is claimed that in this context of the verse has no relation with Taqleed or Ijtihad. However, Taqleed is implied in this verse. The command to ...ask those of remembrance implies the principle that `every unlearned person (or non-expert) should refer to the one who knows. The verse directs towards following qualified scholarship and a case of Taqleed is clearly established from this verse. As previously mentioned, the salient principle while interpreting the Quran and Sunnah is that `the consideration for the general meaning of the text is not limited to its specific background incident. Although the specific background incident pertains to the polytheists of Makkah, the unrestricted wording of the verse is still applicable and considered. Khatib Al-Baghdadi writes: As for the question; who is allowed to follow (and make Taqleed)? It is the lay person who does not have the tools to understand the laws of Islam. The lay person is allowed to follow a scholar and act upon his advice. Allah says: So, if you do not know, ask those of remembrance. After quoting this verse Khatib has narrated with his chain of narrators from Amr bin Qais that in this verse, .... Those of remembrance are those of knowledge.(2) Footnote: 1 - Ruhul Maani - vol. 14, page 148 2 - Al-Faqih wal Mutafaqqih, by Khatib of Baghdad - vol. 2, page 68, printed by Darul Iftaa, Saudi Arabia, 1389 Hijri Taken from a book: The Legal Status Of Following A Madhhab By Mufti Muhammad Taqi Uthmani
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 10:30:39 +0000

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