The condition of ecosystem is deteriorating day by days. This has - TopicsExpress


The condition of ecosystem is deteriorating day by days. This has been a major reason why people starve and suffer for thirst in almost many parts of the world. The Africans suffer most for water and food because of their vegetation/ecosystem being destroyed with illegal logging practice. The Amazonians suffer the same disease and the nature of Amazon is deteriorating every minutes and the desired ecosystem is disappearing on this planet as a whole. Nepal is also suffering the similar consequences due to the people being totally unaware of the importance of forest and forestry. In ancient time, as the historians mentioned in the history, a kind of race known as the Kirata were said to have introduced the knowledge of forestry and the importance of forest for human need. They were said to have lived in Moab valleys around in modern Syria about 20,000 to 5,000 years BC. In the Eastern parts of nepal, people applied the similar principle and practice of saving ecosystem for future need. Especially, in modern Limbuwan people never farmed and neednt farm since their ecosystem was strong and reliable. Food was abundant everywhere and population was thinner until the unification of the country. Even now the population of real inhabitants of Limbuwan is far less than the migrants. Since the arrival of new people, the total ecosystem has gone forever and this has been one obvious reason why people suffer from many trials and tribulations. Many flock to abroad in search of cash money in other sense for bread and butter everyvday all because of their land becoming useless due to dearth and lack water supply. The rivers are drying up day by days. The mountains of Himalaya are becoming snowless and the existing ice is also melting day by days. The Machha puchre mountain is one example, how the snowy mountains are becoming naked minutes by minutes. This is what we blame the complete cause of industrial pollution and deforestation in the planet as a whole, not only in Nepal. The complete ecosystem is diminishing. However, there are ways we can save our ecosystem in nepal. We should use and implement the principle and practice of ancient kirata people by planting forest in every single unoccupied land over the whole parts of nepal. We cannot retrieve the whole ecosystem which got destroyed but at least, nine out of ten existing objects can be saved and preserved for the nature. It doesnt mean that we can improve a bit in global warming. Global warning is not the cause of industrial pollution and deforestation but it is a different theory of the nature. The global warming is entirely due to the movement of celestial system as a whole from one position to another in the universe. Not only the earth but the entire solar system and many billions of such systems keep on moving around the open gas from one position to another. In doing so, the planets pass through the numerous differing level of heat and cool temperature in the universe. Now, the position of the entire solar system is in a position where the condition of gas environment is warmer and this is why the entire ice of the earth is getting melted day to days. It will take million years again the position of earth will come around in a normal climatic condition. The next climatic condition could be severe and the majority land will go under water because of icecap melting. There are reports in the ancient history that many parts of land on earth were submerged into water. The story of Tethys sea is one example which was said to have existed around more than a half million years BC. Likewise, there will be coldest climatic condition on earth in about 100 thausand years time when the existence of the solar system will be in a kind of coolest condition. The nature of gas system varies differently in the universe which we never know. So, the story of global warming is not what the scientists have assumed and indicated as the cause of industrial pollution and deforestation. It is entirely due to the position of earth in a warmest gas of the universe. People will one day farm rice in North Pole in the nearest future. It is said that the origin of white population took place in north pole at the time when North Pole was hospitable for human settlement. Nevertheless, whatever, the ecosystem is a resource for food and water and healthy environment for all living beings. The preservation of ecosystem is so important at all times of human life on this planet. Save it and save yourself !
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 15:23:50 +0000

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