The conflict is being re-written every time you turn on the - TopicsExpress


The conflict is being re-written every time you turn on the television... Paisley was a bad bastard yes and played a massive role in the trouble here but he did not cause it, in fact he was a symptom of it. Those who created the conditions where people like Ian Paisley and their sectarian, bigoted politics and attitudes might thrive are to blame. Those who murdered our loved ones on the streets of Ballymurphy, the Bogside, the Ardoyne and the Falls, in Dublin and Monaghan and in the killing fields of South Armagh and Tyrone, even as far afield as Gibraltar in far-off Spain, they are the ones we should look to when attributing blame for the war in the six-counties. Look no further than the murderers of the British state and their occupation of Ireland, the blood of countless thousands of Irish men and women is on their hands and they will NOT re-write history to have it put that they were the good guys. When their faceless murderers killed our lads in the likes of Loughall, Drumnakilly, Coagh, Malachy Boyles and Clonoe, when their paid agents murdered Kathleen OHagan in front of her young children, Liam Ryan, Eddie Fullerton, Paddy Shanahan, Sean Brown, Finucane, Nelson, how many more? When they took an active part in the death of so many people here we should not accept the likes of Peter Hain on our television presenting the conflict as a squabble between the Paisleyites and the Provisionals when in fact it was resistance on the part of the Irish people to a terrorist war inflicted on them from the very beginning by the racist psychopaths running the British state, who believed the Irish should have no right in their own country. Paisley is gone but the Brits are still here. We have plenty still to do and quislings like Morrisson and Maskey who sit and blithely accept all of this with their paid silence on the BBC or anywhere else should be shunned for the carpetbagging sell-outs theyve sadly become. And they dare call anyone pseudo-republicans. British withdrawal and nothing less remains our objective... The crimes they have committed here are reason enough to ensure we are never led down the wrong road again by the likes of Alex Maskey and Danny Morrisson
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:34:36 +0000

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