The conspiracy to malign Indian Men! I have lived in Mumbai and - TopicsExpress


The conspiracy to malign Indian Men! I have lived in Mumbai and I now live in Delhi. To me, they are the same cities. I am an outsider in both, and feel relatively at ease in both too. But there are innumerable people who talk about how Delhi is not as safe as Mumbai. I have a little something to say to all these people, and, to a lot of other men as well. These cities are exactly the same, exactly. You ask why? Because the men in these cities are deaf, and as I have just come to realize, blind too. Women all over the country are screaming in angst, fed up with the non-stop harassment they face everyday, but hey the Delhi-Mumbai debate has to be more important than that, right? And this is for the educated ones. The not-so-well-off talk about how the women dress, how they talk/walk/look etc. And then there is the ultimate truth.. the baap of all other truths. “I have never seen a woman being harassed in front of me. Where does all of this happen?” I have heard this one line more than all other pearls of wisdom. And I will confess, it did get me thinking, that it might just be true. We walk out at night, we roam around at odd hours, we do so much, but we never come across incidents where women are being harassed. This points at a conspiracy to malign the great men of India; the pioneers of mathematics and science. This does seem like something that China/Pakistan/US or any other country that feels threatened by our intellect would spread to try and malign us. Either that, or as I said earlier, we are all just deaf and blind. Deaf because we cannot hear the clamor for a change in the ways of our society. Deaf because we wait for women to scream to detect panic. Deaf because unless the voice is of someone who is directly related to us, we do not think that a woman’s honour matters. And blind because we are not seeing that we are making a mockery out of oursleves. Blind because we cannot see the pain and the fear of being a woman in India. Blind because we will never be able to see the world they end up bearing with, because of us. You are not raping someone or harassing either, but you are responsible for her being raped. You are responsible for her feeling unsafe. You are responsible because, somewhere deep down, you feel a fraction of what she does, when you walk out with your sister/mother/friend/wife in a place with too many of us around. That fraction that you feel, is what she lives with. So before you blame a rapist, an eve teaser or Pakistan and China, just take a look at yourself, and then wait to take out a candle march to protest the next rape, YOU DEAF AND BLIND INDIAN MAN!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:02:03 +0000

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