The conundrum in Rivers State View 1 comments Comment on this - TopicsExpress


The conundrum in Rivers State View 1 comments Comment on this story By: Maobuye Nangi Obu 2013-07-25 15:26 It beats me when I see people (especially, young people) delving into a potpourri of incongruous lies while trying to defend one “Oga at the top” or the other. The sickening conundrum in Rivers State cannot be over emphasised, too many lies and deceit from the political jobbers milking the process. They’re all liars. In today’s Rivers State, professors who ought to be “classroom appendages” are now heading the Governor’s media team, they’ve transformed into spokesmen overnight. Instead of preaching peace to conflicting parties as fathers, the professors have used the ongoing imbroglio to vent their anger on the President perhaps for status recognition or what have you. Now, let us critically analyse the characters dancing the surugede. The media professors in Rivers State As much as my love and respect for Professors Tam David-West and Wole Soyinka may remain unflinching, I am beginning to second-guess my stance recently. First these noble men are role models as well as great grandfathers. In Africa (especially, Nigeria), elders are not quick to take sides. In this case, I do not need a soothsayer to tell me they’re only but, expressing their personal grouse (perhaps, frustration if I am not wrong) on MR.President. Did he ignore them? Just thinking anyway. For professor Tam David-West, he served in the worst government under the worst tyrant who took this Country aground financially, morally, spiritually, and emotionally and what have you. Nigerians are yet to recover from that shock. I do not think he (Prof. Tam David-West) is credible enough to take on any government. I think his drivels are always about status recognition in the present government; maybe he is lonely or truly needs to be heard. This is because he did not do anything when he was in government. Please, ask him to show us what he did as Petroleum minister et al? Old men don’t take sides in a fight; they settle parties to sheath swords. Now to baba Wole Soyinka, I cannot but laugh out loud. Much as professor Wole Soyinka cannot justify the idea of introducing the infectious disease that brought ‘cultism’ into this false-marriage called Nigeria, he has no credibility other than his clout of knowledge (especially, the vocabularies). Are Nigerians this double standard not to see where the professor got it wrong this time? Oh, it is halal (legit) for a professor to chant “Ahoi or Ahoy Seadogs” but, pretty much haram for an Evans to shout “Aromate”. How did the “Aromates” came into existence if not as a result of the professor’s handiwork? Who is fooling who here? Also, is it right for a father to quickly take sides when his kids are at loggerheads? Still on professor Wole Soyinka, is it right for an African man (especially, a revered Yoruba man like professor Wole) to out rightly insult another man’s wife? Let alone, his President’s wife. Isn’t this sacrilegious in Africa, especially from a professor that should be a classroom appendage? What is this baba teaching us, that our mothers shouldn’t be respected because they aren’t professors? Something is wrong somewhere. It is a pity that men of honour are now turning to be the men of dishonour. Truth is, these two revered professors have failed to do the needful in the going ons in Rivers State. This is shameful if you ask me. Soyinka has no moral justification to correct another man or youth or another man’s wife. He should correct himself by properly guiding the drowning young men around. Oh, I forgot that Rivers State is the new “Dubai” of Nigeria perhaps, the “Bahamas” where the professor finally found the “Miami beaches” to cool off. Time will tell, we’ll know how much he was paid. The failed Rivers Assembly I have ‘always’ been ashamed of the Rivers State House of Assembly since 1999, so the recent drama did not take me by surprise. Since 1999, there has not been any meaningful legislation from that House of dishonourable men. It is either they’re busy okaying a sick and nonsensical Bill into Law (an Act), most times they only convene to approve more money for the Governor and enrich themselves through their phony companies. This attitude predates the present crop of failed bunch in the House, Rivers State has no Assembly but “hallelujah” men with the “I am loyal’ tag. Can anything good come out of the Rivers State House of Assembly? Ask Odili, he knew how he used them. More than 85% of them are under-educated like me or half-baked like Chidi and Evans, what do you expect from men and women of this calibre? Most of them can barely express themselves or sustain a sane discourse, this is the Assembly the politicians gave us in “SREVIR State” sorry, Rivers State. Albeit, I am watching with keen interest what 2015 will bring. I hope the electorates would have learnt by now? The directionless five There is nothing wrong for people to disagree with others; I will not question Evans and his group called the renegade five for toeing that line. But, there’s everything wrong when you don’t even know why you’re dissing and beefing someone, you need to check yourself if you fall in this category. I have keenly watched the scenario and I haven’t heard any cogent reason why Evans and his friends decided to impeach the Speaker. Did he steal? How much? Did he kill? Who, when, where and why? Do you have facts to back up your claims? Bring them on. Notwithstanding, it is conspicuous that Evans and the rest of his tactless team lack depth and are highly inexperienced in what they’re doing. They really need to brace up. Also, I am not blaming Evans and the rest for chanting “Aromate”, because if Wole Soyinka can comfortably say “Ahoy or Ahoi Seadogs” then there’s no justification for vilifying Evans and his friends (the “Aros”) for chorusing “Aji-Kpere re”. Afterall, if a 79 year old man can chant “Ahoy Seadogs” and Nigerians are quiet, why not a 40 or a 45 year old? Fair’s fair my people, what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. If you must criticise Evans of cultism, accuse the mace swinger (Chidi Lloyd) and the originator of cultism in Nigeria (our revered professor), they’re triplets’, but Chidi is either a barbarian or a complete cannibal. As a Kalabari man, I am not in support of the inert state of the Speaker (Otelemaba Dan Amachree) especially on the non-development of the Kalabari axis and other parts of the State. But, I will not also agree that Evans is my new Speaker, no way. I guess the slate for Speakership came through zoning as well. Presently the never-spoken Senator representing the Rivers West Senatorial District (Sen.Wilson Ake) where the Kalabaris also belong is from the Ahoada axis; hence the position of the Speaker was zoned to the Kalabaris for fairness. Now is Evans a Kalabari man? Do you want to cheat the Kalabaris of their political right? No way, we disagree. Rather, get another failed Kalabari Assembly member to your side and make him the Speaker if you’re truly fair. Lack of stratagem I call this, Evans and his friends’ needs to learn before striking next time than striking amiss. The uncouth chidi Lloyd There is nothing as shameful as not being able to decide for yourself as a grown man; more shameful is when you do things not on your own volition but to impress someone. As old as Chidi Lloyd, it took the presence of his fellow man (Gov.CRA) to bring out the devil in him, this is the height of sycophancy and show of his crassness. May I categorically state here that the Governor was wrong to have allowed the Chidi’s venom on his fellow Rivers man without cautioning Chidi but, watching and ‘supervising” (as Evans puts it). Without much ado, Chidi Lloyd did all that to impress his boss (Gov.CRA). This is utterly odious and it shows that this Chidi is not only as unrefined as his friend (Evans) but, he is a complete “Jaguda man” from the gutter by the character he displayed just to foolishly impress his fellow man (the Governor). Is this man married even? If yes, I hope he is not a wife beater? Sorrowfully these are the crop of men that makes laws for us in Rivers State and most part of Nigeria since 1999, why will the State or Country develop? How can legislators turn the State into a gladiator ring? This is the highest level of idiocy I pity their followers. Chidi Lloyd should be castrated for almost killing his fellow man; he should be charged and jailed for good number of years. This could be anyone; no amount of provocation should make him pounce on his fellow man like he’s killing a poisonous snake. Chidi Lloyd must not go away with this, he should be jailed so as to serve as deterrent to others. Also, I still haven’t seen the solution of Rivers State in the hands of the Abuja lords. Odili, Wike, Secondus, Opara etc cannot lead Rivers people, they cannot even lead their wards properly let alone the entire State. It will interest you to know that two captains cannot lead a ship. Nyesom Wike and Peter Odili can never mix; they’re not just greedy but too proud to listen to each other. Now, would Odili allow Nyesom Wike (a local government Chairman when he (Odili) was Governor) lead him? Also would Nyesom Wike humble himself to take orders from Odili especially now that Odili is not in government? Thirdly, these men do not trust themselves, they’re both betrayers and they both know. So, can’t the governor ignore them and face the development of the State than paying professors to use inappropriate vocabularies on married women? Their camp would fail in no time when the chips are down. Besides, they are all over corrupt men. Has Odili cleared himself with EFCC? We dey look. The president’s quiescence disposition It can be agreed that the President has no hand in the on-going Rivers imbroglio and the Governor also confirms this. First, he has too many things to preoccupy himself with. The Boko Boys are their sponsors are not sleeping; the President has a lot on his plate to worry about. But, my worry is his continued silence. I know you can only force a horse to the riverbank, but you cannot force the horse to drink from that river. I do not know the extent of intervention he must have made or tried to make but, one thing is glaring that he’d overlooked this messy situation where his name is always dragged to the mud. If I were him, I’ll physically be involved to broker truce. As the father of the Nation nothing stops him from calling these men to order (if they’ll listen) however, I do not know if that has been done already and someone is still trying to pull stunts. I am pleading that MR.President move to end this war in Rivers State; the aftermath is always on the common man. When two elephants fight, the grasses suffer. The governor It is no news that my Governor only reckons with sycophants and praise singers; if you dare say the truth you’re finished. May I ask, whose monies are been spent to lobby these failed Governors and the media? How much of Rivers money has AIT and Channels gulped? How much has gone to Deji360 or whatsoever and others? How much have you spent on mobilising some hungry Youth like me? Please sir, how much have you spent on the National dailies to make the headlines? Rivers peoples money of course! My dear Rivers people is it not wicked or senseless to spend money on Punch, Sun, Vanguard, Channels, AIT, SilverBird when we have the Rivers State Television and the State Newspaper (TheTide)? Why is it rocket science for us to patronise our own? Why is it rocket science to develop our own people, why do we like outsiders more than ours? Well, I appealing to my Governor reconsider his stance. End the WAR sir; it is not in our interest. After all, you have nothing to lose. Being around Bola Ahmed-Tinubu is insulting and offends the sensibilities of Rivers progressives. How can a man be supporting a Governor’s insubordination to his party whilst he will not take that in his (ACN) party? How can a man (Tinubu) impose his wife and Gov.Fayemi on others and advice someone to remain disloyal to his party when insubordination is haram in his own party? Please sir (Gov.CRA), wake up and smell the coffee these men will lead you to destruction. I think the CAN and APC only wants you to sponsor their cashless party, they’ll never make you a running mate or flag bearer having known you’re a good fighter. Everyone would avoid your troubles; believe me even your friends would be scared of you having fought this long with superior authorities. Conclusion Going by the First-Lady’s recent publication, we all can see wants peace. Why can’t my Governor key into the peace process than being recalcitrant? I also heard the Governor say his grouse with the President is ceding of Soku oil wells to Bayelsa, much as I don’t agree with the Federal Government on that too, but how well has the Rivers state Government treated the Soku people over the five/six years since the Governor came into power? Did Odili do anything for them? Sir, the peace of Rivers State is in your hands. Please key into the First-Lady’s subtle peace process and let’s move on. There will be no victor and no vanquish in this fight, please end the war. And, if truly you’re nursing a Vice Presidential ambition (as we’re hearing), please drop that idea. You’re no means lesser than any Northerner, I would rather you contest for the position of the President than Vice. Hopefully in 2105, we’ll all massively vote for a South-South man again as President. Note that it must be Jonathan but should not also be a Northerner or South-Westerner. If you must contest, please prepare as President not as Vice President. Or, make peace and work for Jonathan or another South-South man as President. 2015 Presidency is still our turn. Contest as President or work for Jonathan’s return or, show us a South-South man to work for. Please sir, take the message and spare the messenger. It’s me again.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 19:25:17 +0000

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