The correspondence principle says that quantum rules that apply on - TopicsExpress


The correspondence principle says that quantum rules that apply on the atomic scale should correspond to the classical physics of our everyday life. This theory takes the correspondence principle to its logical conclusion with quantum mechanics representing the physics of time as a physical process and classical physics representing physical processes over a period of time. Therefore the Planck constant represents a constant of action within the process that forms the passage of time. The mathematics of Schrodingers wave equation represents the forward passage of time itself with the wave function Ψ representing the probability of a future event. This is why the wave equation only works one way in time, we can always calculate what the position and momentum was in the past. Also we have time dependent quantum mechanics when the atom is undergoing chemical change that can be measured as a process over a period of time. But we also have time independent quantum mechanics when the atom is isolated when all we have is the probability of the wave function. This probability is known as Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle and in this theory represents the same uncertainty we have with any future event within an individual reference frame. This process is unfolding within an infinite number of dynamic reference frames that are continuously coming in and out of existence. Each reference frame will have an Arrow of Time or a time line from the past into the future relative to the energy and momentum of the reference frame. Independent reference frames are continuously coming together interacting forming the chaos and uncertainty of everyday life out of the probability of quantum mechanics. This also corresponds to the process known as entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In this law things get more and more disorganized as time goes on. The great puzzle is where does the organization originally come from for us to have the process of entropy? In this theory this organization or low entropy comes from the electron having spherical symmetry. Nothing has greater organization or lower entropy than a sphere and when light interacts with matter it forms a photon electron coupling or dipole moment. In this theory this represents a new moment of creation within an individual reference frame. https://youtube/watch?v=3lkhi59MarM
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 10:02:12 +0000

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