The cost of being a Christian is on the rise. However, this should - TopicsExpress


The cost of being a Christian is on the rise. However, this should come as no real surprise. Scripture does not warn us that persecution “might” come, it promises it for the sake of Christ and the Gospel. When the government under whom God has placed us grows increasingly hostile, we must remember to pursue love. Despite the circumstances we encounter, pursing love will anchor us like nothing else can. As we stand firm on Biblical principles and experience spiritual stability we must remember to maintain an attitude of contentment and joy. Contentment is realizing that God has already provided everything I need for my present and future happiness. Contentment comes as we realize that God is all we really need and He will never leave us. We can be satisfied in Him, knowing that He is the Supplier of all our physical and spiritual needs. God always causes us to triumph in Christ no matter what the current situation of our world is. Jesus Christ does not engage in some sort of power sharing arrangement with other pretenders to His throne, whether they are false deities, or those who falsely worship them. His Lordship is not something we accomplish. It is something we recognize and submit to. It is not something we negotiate; it is something we proclaim. Despite how we may feel sometimes, the day will come that the name of Jesus Christ will be universally and forever exalted. The liberal media and the Godless and gutless politician’s significance will then be less than zero.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 12:53:47 +0000

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