The countdown has started - only 10 more days until we depart - TopicsExpress


The countdown has started - only 10 more days until we depart Germany and head home! Robert had another good week of treatment, and we are thankful for the wonderful staff at the clinic and for non-toxic cancer-fighting therapies. The staff surprised him on Monday with flowers for his birthday - awesome! After consulting with the doctor about his Thrombosis, we decided that he will not have any additional IV infusions while we are here. We are using Heparin Cream and Colloidal Silver to treat his veins, but they are just too wrecked with Thrombosis to risk having more infusions. Because the research on High-Dose Vitamin C, Artemisinin and B17/Laetrile is so promising when administered in conjunction with the GOleic treatment he is receiving, we will consider having another port put in when we get back home so he can continue. After reviewing his recent blood test results, they decided to give him a Thymus Extract injection to stimulate his T-cells. Im quickly learning how to give these injections - intramuscular as well as subcutaneous. I guess Robert should thank Taz, our big dog with osteoarthritis, for letting me practice by giving him Adequan injections this past year - Im a seasoned pro thanks to Taz! The ultrasound results were positive - not as good as we had hoped, but there was still a visible 10% decrease in the size of the largest liver tumor. We will examine the results of the liver tumor that was found on the August CT scan on Monday. And, NO NEW LESIONS! Unfortunately, with ultrasound, they are unable to view the lung nodules because they are behind bone, and having another CT scan so soon after the one done at the end of August, is just not a wise decision. So, we continue to pray that God is healing his entire body. We praise Him for every victory - big and small - and we celebrate beating cancer every chance we get! He is still doing great on the ketone diet and his blood sugar has been staying around 85-90, which is a huge improvement in just 10 days (it was 109 when he started, and had gotten up even higher before). Now, we just need to get more weight on him! On Thursday, we were happy to hear from our friend Ken, who is now back in Cleveland with his family. We keep him in our prayers as he endures the days ahead without his beloved wife Diane. Have I told you lately that I HATE this disease - stupid, stupid cancer! Here are a few photos from the clinic this week - The clinic staff giving Robert his birthday surprise (and they did sing), pictures of Robert and Inges who owns our favorite cafe right below our apartment, as well as photos of Robert and Klaus playing their daily game of Rock Paper Scissors to decide if he has to get the GOleic injections. Unfortunately, Klause has his number and continues to win most days - and he ALWAYS gets the injections - win or lose! We are grateful and humbled by your faithful prayers and words of encouragement, and we continue to pray for all those who are fighting their own battles. I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. (Psalm 27:13-14 NIV)
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:47:04 +0000

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