The counterfeit unholy trinity! The final showdown! Revelation - TopicsExpress


The counterfeit unholy trinity! The final showdown! Revelation 16 portrays the unholy trinity between 3 persons – the dragon, the beast and the false prophet (Rev. 16:13). John, the Revelator saw 3 unclean spirits coming out of their mouths. These spirits from the devil, working miracles, go into and influence the political leaders (“kings of the earth” v14) of the whole world to form an unholy alliance, in that battle against God. They are gathered together (v16), to fight against God’s people – His remnant. These 3 tries to imitate the 3 persons in Godhead – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is at this time of the great battle, that Jesus come back, to deliver His faithful people. “Behold, I come as a thief” (v15). Although the exact time nobody knows (a house owner does not know when thief comes), the signs are already present. Jesus, is coming, when the false Christianity is battling the truth of God, to rescue the remnant true Christians (“the rest of her offspring”) (Rev. 12:17). Under the leadership of the enraged “dragon” (Satan), these faithful remnant is attacked, those who “keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” This furious dragon (Satan) (Rev. 12:12) was frustrated by his repeated failures. He was not strong enough to last in heaven (v8), he failed to destroy the Man-Child of the woman (v3-5), and he failed to destroy the woman herself (v16). So now all that is left is to wage war with the remainder of her descendants (v17). Satan realizes he doesnt have the strength to defeat Gods forces, so he decides to enter the final conflict with allies: a beast from the sea and a beast from the earth. According to the Bible, the characteristics of this remnant Christians are: 1) Keep all the Commandments of God, and 2) have the testimony of Jesus. The testimony of Jesus is what is written in the Bible, or the word of God. These Christians are obedient to God in all His commandments. As Jesus said “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). They will follow only the word of God, not man’s teachings, his commandments or traditions. Revelation 13 speaks about this beast power from the sea. Beast in eschatological language always represent a religious or political or religio-political power (union of state and church). This religio-political power from populated Europe (represented by sea) was wounded (power lost in 1798), and later wound healed (power regained in 1929) (v 3). After the “wound is healed”, “all the world wondered after the beast”. Most of the people of this world worshiped this beast power (adoration). Instead of worshiping the true God, they indirectly worshiped Satan (dragon), who is behind this beast front giving power to it (v 4). This blasphemous beast power (v 6), made “war with the saints” (God’s people) (v 7) and had tremendous influence (“power”) over all types of people (“all kindreds, and tongues, and nations”) over the world. All the people of this earth, who are not saved (“whose names are not written in the book of the life of the Lamb” (v 8)), will worship (follow with adoration) this beast power, which works against God and the Lamb of God (Christ). Daniel 7:25 speaks about this same beast power, as little horn (coming out of 10 European countries [“horns”]), who “persecute the saints of the Most High.” In Rev. 13:11, we see a beast (political power) coming out of land (relatively uninhabited place like American continent; opposite of sea), which has Christian characteristics (“lamb”), but spoke like a dragon (Satan). Like the sea beast (antichrist, little horn, Babylon) it exhibited power, and then persuaded the people living on this earth (“causes”) to worship (adoration) the sea beast. This false prophet (land beast) does miracles to deceive the people and asks them to make an image of the sea beast (worldwide recognition for this antichrist power). Therefore God pleads “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.” (Rev. 18:4). Our loving heavenly Father, is making an earnest appeal to all of us, to come out of the spiritual Babylon, these false Christian churches, headed by this beast power. It is like during Noah’s time. God was giving through Noah, an earnest appeal to the people to save themselves from the coming flood. God is appealing to us to save ourselves from the destruction which is coming upon this world, by getting into the salvation ship represented by Jesus. In Revelation 22:20 Jesus says “Surely I come quickly”. We should be able to reply with our lives of faith, “Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus”. Let the grace of God be with all of us till the end. Welcome to this page for more messages https://facebook/SomeTruthsThatYouShouldNotMiss
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 15:47:24 +0000

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