The creation of God in making the Imperial Dragon, The Story - TopicsExpress


The creation of God in making the Imperial Dragon, The Story began in an absolutely unity of the Democracy, after many centuries of peace. There was a God who is the creator of the Sun, the Imperial Dragon Ancestor, because God love his great ball of fire, he found a way to utilizing it, protecting it, and the greatest thing of all is improving the Sun capability to flourish accordingly to suitable for all lifeforms. God sacrificed everything for the immortal lives of the Angels, the Dragons, and his Troopers for better future. He live in divinity away from everybody, and away from being the most powerfully invincible deity God of all. So, God resigned, and decided to meditate in the Sun for scientific observational study purposes. As God about to depart his mission, he wonders if this galaxy is going to be living in peace and harmony while he is meditating for better improvements of the forever life in this galaxy, because eventually the Angels, the Dragons, and the Troopers is going to run out of energy. They would definitely require to recharge their emission, but natural power resources has it limitation of production. The nature may not be able to complement the needs for the daily consumers as the population leveraging its size. He finally decided to make the last Dragon, and it will be the best one of all the Dragons that he have made before in history of God. God wanted to use his power sources in creating the last Dragon so God called on Jesus, God only child, to complete his will. Jesus was still single at that time, smart, strong, and very handsome. So all the Dragons’ daughters, the Angels’ Daughters, and the Troopers daughters in the Democracy Embassy compliment in Jesus. They find Jesus so intellectually magnificent in every ways, from every perspective aspects of him. So, the Citizens’ daughters are all wanted to engage into marriage agreement with Jesus. At that particular moment, God did not know what to do about the complementary offers of the Citizens because God love all of his creations. In resolving all of the Citizens honorable offers, God gave the judging decision into Jesus hand. He was galvanized in taking action, immediately. Jesus came up with an engagement drafting decision by playing a game called Bingo. Bingo is very simple to play and the rules are simply easy. Each individual single female Citizens that wanting to compete in Jesus marrying agreement competition must pick out one of his flash cards that have 5 rows and 5 columns drew on each one of them, going zig zag, crossing each other, forming 25 boxes on it, and some pebbles. Jesus on the other hand, would have 100 dices in a bucket full that carved a chosen number from 1 to 100, by Jesus, on each individual dice, uniquely. Jesus would pick up one of the dice at a time in the bucket and then he would call out loud the number of the dice. As the females Citizens heard the calling number they would find the number on their flashcards. Once they seen the number on the flashcard, they would place one pebble on the number that was just announced by Jesus. Whoever filled up the boxes in a row, a column, up and down column, side to side the row, or even zig zag crossing with pebbles first, she will become Jesus mate. “Bingo,” the voice came from Polaris, the northern Star Dragon’s daughter, she shouted out real loud in excitement heard by everyone in Heaven. Polaris was speechless trying to catches her breathe from the stunning surprisingly anxiety, she stutter in wanting to fainted from perceiving little distinctness strength of exhaustion through her breathing lungs. She started to giggles, then laugh out loud shouting, “I won, I won, and I don’t believing in it. I am going to get marry, oh yes, I am so happy, right now.” The wedding took place in Heaven, and after the night of the weeding took place exactly 9 months, and 10 days a baby boy was born in heaven. Jesus held up his son, raised the baby up and brought the baby to Polaris, his wife. Polaris held the baby against her in between her two soft chests then she smile exhaustedly to her baby. She nodded her head down toward her baby to give the little dragon a kiss. The little dragon sensed his mother warmed lips kissing him tingling his baby’s right cheek, the little dragon beginning to giggle, and giggling louder, then started to laugh, and then suddenly he hicks up rapidly causing his inhalation to pauses then went chocking on his spit, came coughing lightly and belching out, burping a flammable firing flair at his lovely mother. Jesus and Polaris were both giggling, and went laughing at the little dragon, hilariously. God was meditating while the dragon was born, he smelled the happiness in the heaven air then carefully listening seriously to the laughing crowed, then he opened his eyes, quickly. He saw a baby dragon was being held by Polaris, in quickness, he teleported to meet the little dragon. As soon as the little Dragon saw his grandfather, he stopped laughing, and looked at God stunning into the eyes without blinking at all for a long duration of time, God pauses with the little dragon for a whole moment in silent, they looked at each other deep into the eyes. The baby dragon tail began to sparked, and ignited into fire burning continuously. God came closer to the baby, he reached out, pointing with his index finger toward the dragon burning flammable tail. When God reached the dragon tail, he touched the tip of the burning tail with his index finger tip and here it goes, the tail started to raddle. God shouted out happily and said, “from now on my grandson your name is Imperial Dragon,” the baby dragon went back to earlier laughing state and laugh nonstop while the dragon tail continues to raddle, having stop yet. The Imperial Dragon never new why his tail doesn’t stop raddling in flame like the American’s raddle snake tail, but only better possibly and hopefully raddling nonstop forever. He never knew why it wouldnt stop raddling because God left the Imperial Dragon after the dragon was born to go practice meditation in the Sun. After God went to the Sun meditating to perform observational research upon the forever young, and the forever existent. The Imperial Dragon parents, Jesus and Polaris, were really busy, they have a whole heaven to take care. Jesus then developed a governing system for heaven to lighten up his chores. He called his political foundation the democracy which consisting of two parties the Republican, and the Democrat forming accordingly based on the Imperial Dragon’s head, tail, and the Ancestor Great Ball of Fire. The head quarter of the democracy is directionally in the northern star that is always positioning on the northern atmosphere which is always pointing to the North Pole direction. Another voting poll was called in Heaven again occasionally for offices Administration. The poll decided for Jesus to represents the Republican’s party, and Polaris represent the Democrat’s party. After Jesus and Polaris accepting their duties, they left the Imperial Dragon in Heaven with the Red Dragon, at home, advocating all kind of literature to the Imperial Dragon.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 22:58:30 +0000

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