The crew of the SSV Citadel, were finally able to rest. Most of - TopicsExpress


The crew of the SSV Citadel, were finally able to rest. Most of them found themselves in a broken hospital just on the other side of the river. But the hospital was able to take care of the crew’s needs. Mish woke up, startled and sat up looking around the room. Only a day had passed and she felt like she still needed to wake up early, and head out for the next place to sleep. A nurse walked in her room, “How do you feel Mrs. Armstrong?” Mish placed her hand on her head, “Tired. I feel like I have been ran over by a truck..” The nurse chuckled and smiled, “Well you and your team worked hard out there. It’s going to take some time for your body to realize that it is ok to rest.” Mish just watched the nurse check her vitals and wraps from her wounds. “How is-“ “Your husband?” The nurse cut Mish off before she was able to finish speaking, and all she could do was nod towards the question, “He’s doing well. He’s down the hall. Though; I must say he wasn’t too thrilled that we separated the two of you.” Mish went to open her mouth again to ask why, but the nurse beat her too it, “We did it so you two could get some rest. You can go see him here in just a few more moments.” The nurse had Mish extend her right arm to make sure she didn’t get to stiff sitting around. The scrapes against her stomach hurt more than her shoulder did. Looking at the wall in front of her, she noticed her armor suit. Torn, covered in dirt and in blood. “What about…” The nurse turned to smile at Mish before she headed out. “Your fallen comrades have been picked up by your ship. Major Armer wanted to make sure everyone was taken care of here. Your husband is down this hall, and the door on the right. Good day Mrs. Armstrong.” Mish nodded, confused on how the hell the nurse knew what she was going to ask. Standing up, she was stiff, “Shit….” Escaped from her mouth, her bare feet hit the cold floor, and she noticed she was in black scrub pants and a blank tank top with the Alliance military medical symbol in the right corner. Walking to a mirror, she noticed the butterfly clips holding a cut on her right cheek. She didn’t realize it was that deep, lightly touching it, she noticed the colors of her bruising skin underneath, and memories flashed back when she and Laura were kidnapped. Laura, Radar, Lydia, Ace, Vass, Morice and Aecus all flashed in her mind, as in playing small bits of her memory. Mish leaned against the sink and started to breath heavy. “I’m sorry; I couldn’t do more for you. Radar, I kept your promise. No more.” Looking back up in the mirror, she realized then, her face was clean, the blood was washed way, and her hair was pulled in a ponytail, laying over her left shoulder. Stepping away from the sink, she found a pair of slippers and slipped them on, and walked out the door to go see Magnus, and check on others who were floating around the hospital as well.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 20:59:09 +0000

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