The "cultural nation" it proposed was to be based on Nguzo Saba, - TopicsExpress


The "cultural nation" it proposed was to be based on Nguzo Saba, the seven principles of i Black value system that had been formulated by Maulana Karenga: UMOJA (Unity) - the commitment to the principle and practice of togetherness and collective action on crucial levels, i.e., building and maintaining unity in the family, community, nation and race: This is the first and foundational principle because without unity our possibilities as a people are few and fragile, if existent at all. KUJICHAGULIA (Self-Determination) - a commitment to the principle and practice of defining, defending and developing ourselves instead of being defined, defended and developed by others. It demands that we build our own lives in our own image and interests and construct, thru our own efforts, institutions that house our aspirations. UJIMA (Collective Work and Responsibility)- a commitment to active and informed togetherness on matters of common interest. It is also recognition and respect of the fact that without collective work and struggle, progress is impossible and liberation unthinkable. UJAMAA (Cooperative Economics) - a commitment to the principle and practice of shared wealth and resources. It grows out of the fundamental African communal concept that the social wealth belongs to the masses of people who created it and that no one should have such an unequal amount of wealth that it gives him/her the capacity to impose unequal, exploitative and oppressive relations on others. NIA (Purpose) - a commitment to the collective vocation of building, defending and developing our national community in order to regain our historical initiative and greatness as a people. At the core of this principle is the assumption and contention that the highest form of personal purpose is, in the final analysis, social purpose, i.e., personal purpose that translates itself into a vocation and commitment which involves and benefits the masses of Black people. KUUMBA (Creativity) - a commitment to the principle and practice of building rather than destroying, of positive proactive construction rather than negative reactive destruction. Inherent in this principle is the commitment to leave our national community stronger, more beautiful and more effective in its capacity to define, defend and develop its interests than when we inherited it. IMANI (Faith) - a commitment to ourselves as persons and a people and the righteousness and victory of our struggle. Moreover, it is belief in and commitment to our brothers and sisters, to their defense and development, and to the fullness of our collective future. Inherent in the principle of Imani is the call for a humanistic faith, an earth-oriented, earth-based, people- centered faith in the tradition of the best of African philosophies and values.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 19:49:46 +0000

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