The culture is at a tipping point, but, Hey! Let’s keep posting - TopicsExpress


The culture is at a tipping point, but, Hey! Let’s keep posting up meaningless articles. I don’t mean to come off as rude, but I needed to make a truthful point, yet at the same time grasp your attention. Something that has been heavy on my heart is the direction the culture is headed, & the Christian witness we’ve been giving to this madness. Some might accuse me of making a (Hasty generalization) because I’m not providing all the statistics for my claim, & I’ll admit, I’m not providing statistics for my assessment, but c’mon, do I have to? Turn on the Television. Open your Facebook page. Observe the Tweets that go out on Twitter. Open up your Yahoo browser, & see the latest news around the globe. To say the culture is changing, & will continue to change is understatement! The culture is headed somewhere, & at this point in time, it’s headed in the wrong direction. I bring this up because I want to push you just a bit, “in love.” I opened up my post by saying “Let’s keep posting up meaningless articles.” Before I clarify on what I mean, allow me to state what I don’t mean. I don’t mean that there aren’t any good articles/blogs being put out by good teachers. I have been overwhelmingly blessed by some incredible teachers out there that have put out amazing content, but the sad reality is this, a lot of the American Christian culture can’t endure sound doctrine & teaching. They adhere to pragmatism, relativism, emotionalism, fluff”ism” & a lot of other things that are antithetical to the Christian Religion, & if you don’t agree with me, consider how you just got upset because I used the word “Religion.” Friends, Christianity is a Religion, it’s also a comprehensive worldview, & yes, we who are in Christ do have a “Relationship” with Him, but that Relationship must be evaluated in light of Scripture, not our emotions. Because some “most” Christians can’t endure sound doctrine, they set themselves up to be unable to respond to the tough issues of the day. Telling someone “Your Story” won’t cut it now a days, we must be equipped. May God use your story? Sure! But that’s not the point. The point is equipping, & how if we’re honest, we truly don’t like being equipped. “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” 1 Peter 3:15 Does that scripture bring clarity? I hope it does because it’s a very powerful scripture. The Apostle isn’t giving us a suggestion, but rather a command, a command to be equipped & ready. Can you see why being prepared is important? I hope you do, & I hope you hear lots of love coming from me. I bring all this up because I genuinely care about our society, but more than anything, I care about proclaiming the Glory Of God, & His Truth. Now let’s talk about those “meaningless articles.” At the heart of what I’m talking about is the “Seeker Friendly Movement.” Why them? Because it’s the mainstream agent in our Christian culture. This top to bottom approach is affecting the Christian culture all around us & it’s not slowing down, it’s just getting started. Before I continue, allow me to say this: I do believe that there are genuine lovers of Jesus, who truly care about people in this movement. I do believe that there are some in this movement who genuinely want to see sinners brought to the feet of Christ for redemption. Lastly, I believe that some in this movement genuinely think that this approach is correct, thus they appeal to pragmatism; they have the “if it works” don’t mess with it mentality. With that said allow me to be honest. I believe this movement is wrong on many levels, I believe that this movement comes at things from an unbiblical framework, & lastly, I believe that this movement is causing & will continue to cause more damage than good. Why? Because of its underlying presuppositions! We live in an age of information, & just thinking about all that information available to us is just mind blowing; we truly have the world in our fingertips (hyperbole.) Because we have information coming to us at such a fast speed, we tend to gravitate towards the quick & easy read after all, that is the American way of doing things (quick & easy.) Because that has become the norm in our culture we tend to disregard meaningful, well thought out, comprehensive articles, & we gravitate towards the “meaningless ones.” The Seeker Friendly movement for the most part pushes content based on: Personal Development, Pragmatism, Cheap Grace, Tolerant love, Self Help, Narcissism, Emotionalism, & now Diet Plans like Rick Warren. Friends, our culture is at a tipping point, & we want to focus our time on “Personal Development” “Narcissism” & “Emotionalism.” Given the rate of speed in which we are headed, you & I are going to have a ton of time to think about our “Personal Development” once we get put in prison for being Christians, & not bowing our knee to Caesar & the political establishment. Friends, I exhort you to start thinking more comprehensively. Let’s put aside all these childish blogs & articles whose content doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. Let’s grow more & more in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, & be ready to give an answer to this culture. Let’s strive for excellence! Let’s set the standard once again. Let’s grow in Theology & Doctrine! I’m grateful for ministries like American Vision who put out (Comprehensive Content.) I am grateful for people like Bojidar Marinov who always challenges the status quo. I am grateful for people like Jeff Durbin who is always posting up thought provoking statements, & challenges. I am grateful for people like Dr. Kenneth Talbot & Whitefiled media for putting out *Free Content* on YouTube. I am grateful for friends like Moses who always remind me about extending mercy, yet at the same time being faithful to truth. I am grateful for friends like Fred, because at the age of 22 he has decided to think, & write in a comprehensive manner, thus blessing the body of Christ with his insight. I am grateful for ministries like Apologia Radio for always putting out excellent radio shows with great thinkers. I am grateful for ministries like Gospelspam who have great writers, & always address meaningful topics. I am grateful for my elders, because they are BOLD & they’re not afraid to push the antithesis. I am grateful for so, so much! But overall I am grateful that God has given me a desire to learn, so I can be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks for the hope that is within me. Friends, I desire that for you also! Why? Because this culture is preaching at us hard, & it seems like we just ain’t responding in a meaningful manner. Let’s change that once & for all! Once again, I hope you heard love & firmness in this post. Its been in my heart for a while.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 03:45:29 +0000

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