The cunning of the beast is beyond your comprehension, My beloved - TopicsExpress


The cunning of the beast is beyond your comprehension, My beloved followers. He is careful never to reveal himself and so he hides behind the Truth. When he is present in poor, deluded souls, he will use the Truth of God to hide behind, until the right moment. Then, out will be poured obscenities against the Word of God, but to many, this will not be clearly evident. Look behind the words, which will be carefully constructed and you will detect the lie. This is the kind of force, which God’s children will have to contend with. The spirit of evil is like a dark cloud and when it has fully descended over humanity, it will become difficult to differentiate between good and evil. But I promise you that this cloud will lift and when the Light of God shines through, you will see the wickedness in all its ugliness, as it is seen in the Eyes of God. The fighting will continue amongst the people who pay allegiance to the One True God, as the evil one wreaks havoc amongst them. As this group splits into two, there are others for whom you must pray. They are those souls, who are so distant from God that they do not acknowledge Him, at any stage. They are My lost souls, for whom I dedicate this Holy Mission. When I save those who are completely lost, My Intervention will also save the others, who are simply confused. Come, gather, all of you, before Me, for My Time is very soon. Let not one of you delay in praying for the souls of those who need your help the most. Your Jesus
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 13:06:32 +0000

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