The current 4 dangers on Earth… money, politicians, journalists, - TopicsExpress


The current 4 dangers on Earth… money, politicians, journalists, religion… explained in the book Thiaoouba Prophecy… along with solutions: “‘Imagine, for example, that a captain had to be elected by his crew, more for reasons of politics than for his skill in navigation and his cool-handedness in times of danger. To imagine the situation better, let’s suppose we are watching an actual election. We are standing on a leading dock where 150 crew members are assembled with three candidates for command of a ship. The first is a democrat, the second, a communist, and the third a conservative. Among the crew members, there are 60 with communist leanings, 50 democrats and 40 conservatives. Now, I am going to show you that this affair cannot be conducted appropriately. ‘The communist candidate is obliged to make certain promises to the democrats and conservatives if he wants to win; because he is only ‘guaranteed’ 60 of the votes. He must convince at least 16 men from the other parties that it is in their interests to elect him. But will he be able to keep the promises he makes? And, of course, the same applies to the other two candidates. ‘When one or the other of these captains is at sea, he will always find that a significant number of his crew are fundamentally opposed to his having command, so there is always a significant risk of mutiny. ‘Of course, this is not the method by which a captain achieves his command - fortunately. I merely wished to illustrate the dangers that are inherent in electing leaders on the basis of political bias rather than for their ability to lead people,honestly, in appropriate directions. ‘While on the subject, I must emphasise another point. When our ‘captain-elect’ is at sea, he is the one and only leader of the vessel, whereas, when a party leader is elected as head of state, he is immediately confronted with a ‘Leader of the Opposition’. From the very beginning of his leadership, whether his decisions are good or bad, he will be systematically criticised by an opposing party bent on his demise. How can a country be properly governed under such a system, Michel?’ ‘Do you have a solution?’ ‘Of course, and it has already been described to you. The only solution is to follow the example of the government of Mu. ‘This is to place as head of state a leader whose unique goal is the wellbeing of the people - a leader not motivated by false pride or party and personal pecuniary ambition; to do away with political parties - and the resentment, the grudges, the hatred that go with them; and to hold out your hand to your neighbour - to accept him and work with him, regardless of differences you may have. He is after all, in the same boat with you, Michel. He is part of the same village, the same town, the same nation, the same planet. ‘What is the house which shelters you made of, Michel?’ ‘Of bricks...of wood, tiles, plaster, nails...’ ‘Indeed, and what are all these materials made of?’ ‘Atoms, of course.’ ‘Perfect. Now these atoms, as you know, have to connect very closely in order to form a brick or any other building material. What would happen if these atoms repelled each other instead of combining as they do?’ ‘Disintegration.’ ‘And there we are. When you push away your neighbours, your son or your daughter - if you aren’t always ready to help even those whom you don’t like, you contribute to the disintegration of your civilisation. And this is what is happening on Earth more and more, through hate and violence. ‘Consider two examples well known to all on your planet, which prove that violence is not a solution. The first is Napoleon Bonaparte: by the use of arms he was able to conquer all of Europe, and he established, as national leaders, his own brothers to diminish the risk of treason. It is widely accepted that Napoleon was a genius and, indeed, a competent organiser and legislator since, 200 years later, many of his laws still exist in France. But what has become of his empire, Michel? It quickly disintegrated because it had been established through the use of arms. ‘Hitler, similarly, sought to conquer Europe by force and you know what happened there. ‘Violence does not pay, and never will. The solution lies, rather, in love and the cultivation of minds. Have you ever noticed that, all round the world, and particularly in Europe, you had many more great writers, musicians and philosophers emerging in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?’ ‘Yes, I believe it is so.’ ‘Do you know why?’ ‘No.’ ‘Because, along with the advent of electricity, the internal combustion engine,the automobile, the aeroplane and such like, the people of Earth neglected the cultivation of their spirituality and focused on the material world.” 2 free books every person on earth needs to read a few times: 1. the freedom of choice (the mind, the universe, spiritual evolution, meditation, concentration) 2. thiaoouba prophecy (bible corrections, reincarnation, Easter island, pyramids, telepathy, history of earth, what is happening now and what to do) both available for free at this link: bioresonant/freebooks.html
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:26:09 +0000

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