The dark side of leadership of Hon. Manga Hon. Manga have slapped - TopicsExpress


The dark side of leadership of Hon. Manga Hon. Manga have slapped me once gain but these time was heavy slap. Last time I talked how Hon. Manga is using his sit to humiliate us #Wairenge by removing the police station HQ from Ntimaru to Kegonga…Well we have no choice for now. There is now clear indications of how Manga want to dominate the entire Kuria East by leadership and management of every single resources within his reach. Manga being the custodian or Patron of the Kuria East CDF Patron he is coming from back door by owning company that is not in people’s mind…these is not #Moli but #Fresha--- (Fredrick Shadrack) hahahahaha very interesting of how our public funds want to siphoned by this company. Last week the Police Station and Kendege Technical College Tender was opened at Rongo, from five companies that bids these were the results: Hasons #39,864,315, Fresha #51,278,389, which owns by Ho. Manga Ceetech #50,449,822.92, owned by CDF Manager Patkom #35,977,916 Kitayama #35,133,252.From the procurement act the lower bidder wins the tender, in these case Mhe. Kitayama should carry the day! But do you think so? Hi, people why Kendege while there is Chinato? People fights because of resources distribution. The reality is that people cannot stay grounded by themselves. Leaders depend on people closest to them to stay centered. They should seek out people who influence them in profound ways and stay connected to them. Often their spouse or partner knows them best. They aren’t impressed by titles, prestige, or wealth accumulation; instead, they worry that these outward symbols may be causing the loss of authenticity. Many leaders get to the top by imposing their will on others, even destroying people standing in their way. When they reach the top, they may be paranoid that others are trying to knock them off their pedestal. Sometimes they develop an impostor complex, caused by deep insecurities that they aren’t good enough and may be unmasked. To prove they aren’t impostors, they drive so hard for perfection that they are incapable of acknowledging their failures. When confronted by them, they convince themselves and others that these problems are neither their fault nor their responsibility. Or they look for scapegoats to blame for their problems. Using their power, charisma, and communications skills, they force people to accept these distortions, causing entire organizations to lose touch with reality. At this stage leaders are vulnerable to making big mistakes, such as violating the law or putting their organizations’ existence at risk. Their distortions convince them they are doing nothing wrong, or they rationalize that their deviations are acceptable to achieve a greater good. Leaders can avoid these pitfalls by devoting themselves to personal development that cultivates their inner compass, or True North. This requires reframing their leadership from being heroes to being servants of the people they lead. This process requires thought and introspection because many people get into leadership roles in response to their ego needs. It enables them to transition from seeking external gratification to finding internal satisfaction by making meaningful contributions through their leadership. Maintaining their equilibrium amid this stress requires discipline. Some people practice meditation or yoga to relieve stress, while others find solace in prayer or taking long runs or walks. Still others find relief through laughter, music, television, sporting events, and reading. Their choices don’t matter, as long as they relieve stress and enable them to think clearly about work and personal issues. Why do leaders known for integrity and leadership engage in unethical activities? Why do they risk great careers and unblemished reputations for such ephemeral gains? Do they think they won’t get caught or believe their elevated status puts them above the law? Was this the first time they did something inappropriate, or have they been on the slippery slope for years? No option but to face the rule of law regards who they are.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 12:24:37 +0000

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