The day I transformed into HUR I have been doing Matam and - TopicsExpress


The day I transformed into HUR I have been doing Matam and attending majaalis and juloos ever since I remember... I have been shedding my tears over the martyrs of Karbala since my childhood... I have been shedding tears of blood over the oppression of the ladies of the family of Holy Prophet(S.A.W.W).. ..... BUT that day, when I was listening to a nauha with highest possible volume while driving my car, my friend who had my my laptop asked me: Which cd is this? I saw and replied: It contains songs of the movies released in 2012. Now we will get to listen to the songs after Muharram. He then asked: MashaALLAH, you have dedicated a significant portion of your laptop drive for storing Nauhas and Majaalis. I said: Everything is for Imam Hussain(A.S) and Lady Zainab(S.A) He said: But another portion of your hard-disk contains a huge number of Audio and Video songs and movies. How are Nauhas and these things related? I said: They are for entertainment yaar, and I will get back to them only after Muharram and mourning for Imam Hussain(A.S). He smiled. Can you narrate five sayings of your beloved Imam Hussain(A.S) for whom you are in a state of mourning? I could hardly remember one saying.. He went on: Can you narrate three sayings of Lady Fatima Zahra(S.A), the Khatoon-e-Jannat? And I was dead-silent.. He again attacked on my dead soul: Any three sayings of the Imam(A.S) for whose re-appearance you say AL-AJAL every now and then? I was lost... After a while, he continued: Since last muharram, how many obligatory prayers have you been offering a day? and how many of them on time? This time I tried to attack back: It doesnt matter whether I offer prayer or not. It is not needed. because I love Imam Ali(A.S) and I am a die-hard Azadaar of Imam Hussain(A.S), and so there will be no questioning when I am dead. I will be directly sent to the heavens as I love Imam Ali(A.S) so much He said: Narrate any one saying of the Prophet(A.S) in which He issued a certificate of Jannat for expressing love for Imam Ali(A.S) only by tongue, and not by AMAL-e-SALEH? He then said: Do you remember when the SUN came back to its position on the direction of Imam ALI(A.S)? I said: Yes yes, I remember! He said: Do you also remember the first thing ALI(A.S) did after the sun came back to its previous position was a SAJDA (NAMAZ)!? He said, do you consider AZADARI and Majlis an IBADAT? I said: Ofcourse, it IS IBADAT. He said: If it is an Ibadat, what are its etiquette? I said: Manners of Majlis are that we should wear black clothes, and not do anything which relates to happiness He said: That is a symbol of mourning. How beautiful and complete this Ibadat would be, if we make it compulsory for us to do ABLUTION(Wuzoo) before entering the Majlis! That day, I realized that I always went to majaalis as a tradition. More than TAHAARAT of my body and soul was the black coloured outfit important. My tears never made my heart soft. These tears never made me think of my sins that I committed every day. The only meaning of Ayam-e-Aza for me was to wear black clothes, play Nauhas in my car and at my Sabeel at the highest possible volume. And all my love for the Message of Karbala and Imam Hussain(A.S) vanished soon after the SOG closed on 8th Rabi-ul-Awwal.. And every year, all my sinful activities, parties and concerts returned with the end of Ayam-e-Aza! Due to this I could never attract my Sunni friends towards Azadaari, Majaalis or Karbala. I never took any lesson from the lives of martyrs of Karbala. I never tried to implement their seerat in my day-to-day life.. From that day, I never go to any Majlis without Tahaarat and Wuzoo. I never keep my ears closed when I hear the voice of Azaan before Majlis, I always do hurry in reaching the mosque where the Majlis is to be held. I dont waste my time now. I dont keep standing outide the majlis hall and talking with friends during Hadees-e-Kisa and Soz-o-Salam, and waiting for majlis to start. I offer my prayers with other momineen and then go to the Majlis in the state of Tahaarat. I dont use my cellphone for reading and sending SMS or calls during soz-o-salam or majlis.. I now remember tens of sayings of each Masoom(A.S) and I try to implement them in my life. That day, I found myself strong enough to make a promise to myself and to Imam-e-Zaman(A.S), that I would implement the teachings during and after Muharram. I had courage enough to delete all vulgar songs(all of them) from my phone, and laptop. Even though my friends insist, I havent attended any concert since then. Not only senseless music and concerts, I was able to identify all my sinful activities, and based on guidance I obtained from various books and scholars during majaalis, I stopped myself from almost all of them. Being a follower of martyrs as strong as Aun(A.S), Muhammad(A.S), Qasim(A.S) and Ali Asghar(A.S), I am strong enough to remain firm no matter how much different things try to distract me.. * Remembrance of Karbala is fruitful when it frees us from the prison of ignorance and awakens the HUR inside us. That friend of mine is none but my own soul and zameer. And that pure friend is in each of us, we just have to gather the will and courage to identify and act. Today, Imam Hussain(A.S), along with Lady Zainab(S.A) and other martyrs is calling and challenging us: How many of you can really free yourself of your ill-desires? How many of you can really leave sinful habits in our remembrance for the sake of religion of ALLAH? Is the youth ready to free themselves from the slavery of hollywood, bollywood, singers and models, and become true, independent and free Muslims, not just in these 10 or 68 days but throughout the life!? The challenge is here for us until the time given to us to repent for our sins is over. Are we ready to accept the challenge? Are we even willing!?
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 00:37:15 +0000

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