The day Maeve was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes - we inherited a - TopicsExpress


The day Maeve was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes - we inherited a monster. A monster she will have to carry around her entire life. At times, you get so used to carrying that monster around with you, you can forget how heavy it is because as we all know everything is relative. And then something reminds you - for me it was a few things this week. First, I changed Maeves bed sheets the other day and I have trained myself to look away while I do it. I quickly roll them in a ball and move along. Well this day, Shane was in the room while I did it. He commented that Maeves white sheet looked polka dotted. I looked down and he was right it did - little specs of dried blood all over her sheets. A small reminder that even when Maeve sleeps the monster doesnt. The second was Brendan got hit with a brief but nasty stomach flu on Monday. Before the monster came into our lives, when one of the kids was sick I would be so upset - I would have so much empathy & sympathy for them my heart would hurt. I couldnt sleep - I was so busy worrying. Now that empathy has been replaced with panic. Instead of praying my sick child gets better because I know he will - I am praying that the other children get it and Maeve is spared. It is not a good feeling to be wishing ill upon one of your children. But the monster has no conscience. Lastly, today was a site change day for Maeve. Most days she is cooperative. I always tell her to let me know when she is ready to do it. Giving her some control seems to help. But, today she was stalling. I finally said, Maeve, when are you going to be ready? She replied, I am never going to be ready. Watch out monster - this girl is not going down without a fight - Its not the size of the girl in the fight, its the size of the fight in the girl.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 01:52:55 +0000

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