The day of the battle On Muharram 10th, also called Ashura, - TopicsExpress


The day of the battle On Muharram 10th, also called Ashura, Hussein ibn Ali completed the morning prayers with his companions. He appointed Zuhayr ibn Qayn to command the right flank of his army, Habib ibn Muzahir to command the left flank and his half- brother Al-Abbas ibn Ali as the standard bearer. There is controversy regarding the date for the day of Ashura in the Gregorian calendar. October 10 is a calculated date through calculators.[8][9] These calculators however, are not always correct. According to the book Maqtal al-Husayn, Muharram 9th is October 12, 680; if that book is correct Muharram 10th was October 13, 680 AD. Hussein ibn Alis companions numbered 32 horsemen and 40 infantrymen.[42] Hussein rode on his horse Zuljanah. Hussein ibn Ali called the people around him to join him for the sake of God and to defend Muhammads family. His speech affected Hurr, the commander of the Tamim and Hamdan tribes who had stopped Hussein from his journey. He abandoned Umar ibn Saad and joined Husseins small band of followers.[43] On the other side, Yazid had sent Shimr ibn Thil-Jawshan (his chief commander) to replace Umar ibn Saad as the commander.[43][44][45] Husayns Sermon on this Day Before the fire of the battle broke out, Husayn mounted his horse, and took the Koran and laid it before him, and, coming up to the people, invited them to the performances of their duty adding, O God, thou are my confidence in every trouble, and my hope in all adversity!… He continued People, indeed Allah, the Most High, created this world and made it the abode of annihilation and vanishing. It changes its inhabitants from state to state, so the conceited one is he whom it deludes, and the miserable one is he whom it charms. So let not this world delude you because it cuts off the hope of him who has confidence in it and despairs the greediness of him who desires for it. I see that you have unanimously agreed on an affair through which you have made Allah angry with you... Satan has wholly engaged you, so he has made you forget the remembrance of Allah, the Almighty. So woe to you and to what you want! To Allah we belong and to Him is our return. These are people who have disbelieved after their belief. So away with the oppressive people! He next reminded them of his excellency, the nobility of his birth, saying Am I not the son of the daughter of your Prophet, of his testamentary trustee and his cousin, the first of the believers in Allah? Was not Hamza, the lord of the martyrs, my uncle? Was not Ja‘far, the one who flies in Heaven, my uncle? Have you not heard the words of the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, concerning myself and my brother: ‘These are the two lords of the youths of the inhabitants of heaven’? If you will believe me, what I say is true, for by God, I never told a lie in earnest since I had my understanding; for God hates a lie. If you do not believe me, ask the companions of the apostle of God [here he named them], and they will tell you the same… They asked, What hindered him from being ruled by the rest of his relations. He answered, God forbid that I should set my hand to the resignation of my right after a slavish manner. I have recourse to God from every tyrant that doth not believe in the day of account.[46][47] The battle begins The Battle of Karbala Umar ibn Saad advanced and fired an arrow at Hussein ibn Alis army, saying: Give evidence before the governor that I was the first thrower. Ibn Saads army started showering Husseins army with arrows.[48][49] Hardly any men from Hussein ibn Alis army escaped from being shot by an arrow.[49][50] Both sides began fighting. Successive assaults resulted in the death of a group of Hussein ibn Alis companions.[49][51] The first skirmish was between the right flank of Husseins army with the left of the Syrian army. A couple of dozen men under the command of Zuhayr ibn Qayn fought heroically and repulsed the initial infantry attack and in the process destroyed the left flank of the Syrian army which in disarray collided with the middle of the army. Seeing this, the Syrian army quickly retreated and broke the pre-war verbal agreement of not using arrows and lances. This agreement was made in view of the small number of Hussein ibn Alis companions. Umar ibn Saad on advice of Amr ibn al Hajjaj ordered his army not to come out for any duel and to attack Hussein ibn Alis army together.[52][53] `Amr ibn al-Hajjaj attacked Hussein ibn Alis right wing, but the men were able to maintain their ground, kneeling down as they planted their lances. They were thus able to frighten the enemys horses. When the horsemen came back to charge at them again, Husseins men met them with their arrows, killing some of them and wounding others.[53][54] `Amr ibn al-Hajjaj kept saying the following to his men, Fight those who abandoned their creed and who deserted the jam`a! Hearing him say so, Hussein ibn Ali said to him, Woe unto you, O `Amr! Are you really instigating people to fight me?! Are we really the ones who abandoned their creed while you yourself uphold it?! As soon as our souls part from our bodies, you will find out who is most worthy of entering the fire![53][55] In order to prevent random and indiscriminate showering of arrows on Hussein ibn Alis camp which had women and children in it, Husseins followers went out to single combats. Men like Burayr ibn Khudhayr,[56] Muslim ibn Awsaja[52][57] and Habib ibn Muzahir[58][59] were slain in the fighting. They were attempting to save Husseins life by shielding him. Every casualty had a considerable effect on their military strength since they were vastly outnumbered by Yazid Is army. Husseins companions were coming, one by one, to say goodbye to him, even in the midst of battle. Almost all of Husseins companions were killed by the onslaught of arrows or lances. After almost all of Husseins companions were killed, his relatives asked his permission to fight. The men of Banu Hashim, the clan of Muhammad and Ali, went out one by one. Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn, the middle son of Hussein ibn Ali, was the first one of the Hashemite who received permission from his father.[58][60] [61] Casualties from Banu Hashim were sons of Ali ibn Abi Talib, sons of Hasan ibn Ali, a son of Hussein ibn Ali, a son of Abdullah ibn Jafar ibn Abi-Talib and Zaynab bint Ali, sons of Aqeel ibn Abi Talib, as well as a son of Muslim ibn Aqeel. There were seventy-two Hashemites dead in all (including Hussein ibn Ali).[62] Death of Al-Abbas ibn Ali The Al Abbas Mosque in Karbala Al-Abbas ibn Ali advanced towards a branch of the Euphrates along a dyke. Al- Abbas ibn Ali continued his advance into the heart of ibn Saads army.[63] He was under heavy shower of arrows but was able to penetrate them and get to the branch leaving heavy casualties from the enemy. He immediately started filling the water skin. In a remarkable and immortal gesture of loyalty to his brother and Muhammads grandson he did not drink any water despite being severely thirsty. He put the water skin on his right shoulder and started riding back toward their tents. Umar ibn Saad ordered an outright assault on Al-Abbas ibn Ali saying that if Al-Abbas ibn Ali succeeded in taking water back to his camp, they would not be able to defeat them till the end of time. A massive enemy army blocked his way and surrounded him. He was ambushed from behind a bush and his right arm was cut off. Al-Abbas ibn Ali put the water skin on his left shoulder and continued his way but his left arm was also cut off. Al-Abbas ibn Ali now held the water skin with his teeth. The army of ibn Saad started shooting arrows at him, one arrow hit the water skin and water poured out of it, now he turned his horse back towards the army and charge towards them but one arrow hit his eyes and someone hit a gurz on his head and he fell off the horse. In his last moments when Al-Abbas ibn Ali was wiping the blood in his eyes to enable him to see Husseins face,[citation needed] Al-Abbas ibn Ali said not to take his body back to the camps because he had promised to bring back water but could not and so could not face Bibi Sakinah, the daughter of Hussein ibn Ali. Then he called Hussein, brother for the first time in his life. Before the death of Abbas, Hussein ibn Ali said: Abbas your death is like the breaking of my back.[citation needed] Death of Hussein ibn Ali Shrine to those killed at the battle of Karbala Hussein ibn Ali told Yazids army to offer him single battle, and they gave him his request. He killed everybody that fought him in single battles.[64] He frequently forced his enemy into retreat, killing a great number of opponents. Hussein and earlier his son Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn were the two warriors who penetrated and dispersed the core of ibn Saads army, a sign of extreme chaos in traditional warfare. Hussein advanced very deep in the back ranks of the Syrian army. When the enemies stood between him and the tents he shouted: Then his enemies invaded back toward him. They continuously attacked each other,[66] until his numerous injuries caused him to stay a moment. At this time he was hit on his forehead with a stone. He was cleaning blood from his face while he was hit on the heart with arrow and he said: In the name of Allah, and by Allah, and on the religion of the messenger of Allah. Then he raised his head up and said: Oh my God! You know that they are killing a man that there is son of daughter of a prophet on the earth except him. He then grasped and pulled the arrow out of his chest, which caused heavy bleeding.[67] The soldiers approaching him gave up confrontation, seeing his position. One soldier, however, walked up to Hussein and hit him on his head with his sword. The enemies hesitated to fight Hussein, but they decided to surround him. At this time Abdullah ibn Hasan, an underage boy, escaped from the tents and ran to Hussein. When a soldier intended to slay Hussein, Abdullah ibn Hasan defended his uncle with his arm, which was cut off. Hussein hugged Abd-Allah, but the boy was already hit by an arrow.[68] A voice came from skies stating: We are satisfied with your deeds and sacrifices.[citation needed] Hussein then sheathed his sword and tried to get down from the horse but was tremendously injured and so the horse let him down. He then sat against a tree.[69] Umar ibn Saad ordered a man to dismount and to finish the job. Khowali ibn Yazid al-Asbahiy preceded the man but became afraid and did not do it. Then Shimr ibn Dhiljawshan dismounted his horse and cut Husseins throat with his sword whilst Hussein was prostrating to God. Just before his throat was about to be cut, Hussein asked Shimr ibn Dhiljawshan, Have you done your prayers today? and this shocked Shimr because he did not expect anyone in the position of Hussein to ask such a question. Then Imam Hussain asked for the permission to do Asr prayers (because it was the time of 3rd prayer). Shimir gave the permission to say the prayers and Imam Hussain started prayer and when he went into Sajda. Shimr ibn Dhiljawshan betrayed and said: I swear by God that I am cutting your head while I know that you are grandson of the messenger of Allah and the best of the people by father and mother. He cut off the head of Hussein ibn Ali with his sword and raised the head.[70] Then ibn Saads men looted all the valuables from Husseins body. Aftermath Umar ibn Saad sent Husseins head to ibn Ziyad on Ashura afternoon and ordered the army to sever the heads of his comrades and to send them to Kufa. The heads were distributed to various tribes enabling them to gain the favor of ibn Ziyad. Ibn Saad remained in Karbala until the next noon.[71] After ibn Saads army went out of Karbala, some people from Banu Asad tribe came there and buried their dead, but did not mark any of graves, with the exception of Hussains which was marked with a simple plant. Later Ali ibn Hussain returned to Karbala to identify the grave sites. Hurr was buried by his tribe a distance away from the battlefield.[72] On Muharram 11 (October 11, 680 CE), all captives including all women and children were then loaded onto camels with neither saddle nor shade and were moved toward Kufa. As they approached Kufa, its people gathered to see them. Some women of Kufa gathered veils for them after learning that they were relatives of Muhammad. Among the captives were Ali ibn al-Husayn Zayn al-Abidin, who was gravely ill, as well as Hassan ibn Hassan al-Muthanna, who was seriously injured in the battle of Karbala.[73] Zaynab bint Ali pointed at the people to be quiet. Then she addressed the people of Kufa: During the journey from Karbala to Kufa, and from Kufa to Damascus, Husseins sister Zaynab bint Ali and Umm Kulthum bint Ali, and son Ali ibn al-Husayn gave various speeches that exposed the truth about Yazid and told the Muslim world of the various atrocities committed in Karbala. After being brought to Yazids court, Zaynab courageously gave a famous speech in which she denounced Yazids claim to the caliphate and eulogized Husseins uprising. The prisoners were held in Damascus for a year. During this year, some prisoners died of grief, most notably Sukayna bint Husayn. The people of Damascus began to frequent the prison, and Zaynab and Ali ibn al-Husayn used that as an opportunity to further propagate the message of Hussein and explain to the people the reason for Husseins uprising. As public opinion against Yazid began to foment in Syria and parts of Iraq, Yazid ordered their release and return to Medina, where they continued to tell the world of Husseins cause. Following the Battle of Karbala, Husseins second cousin Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr then confronted Yazid. Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr was the son of a al-Zubayr ibn al- Awwam a cousin of Ali and Muhammad and the son of Asma bint Abu Bakr, Abu Bakrs daughter. Asma’s son, Abdullah, and his cousin, Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr, were both grandsons of Abu Bakr and nephews of Aisha. When Hussein ibn Ali was killed in Karbala, Abdullah, who had been Hussein’s friend, collected the people of Mecca and made the following speech: “O people! No other people are worse than Iraqis and among the Iraqis, the people of Kufa are the worst. They repeatedly wrote letters and called Imam Hussein to them and took bay’at (allegiance) for his caliphate. But when Ibn Zeyad arrived in Kufa, they rallied around him and killed Imam Hussein who was pious, observed the fast, read the Quran and deserved the caliphate in all respects.”[75] After his speech, the people of Mecca also joined Abdullah to take on Yazid. When he heard about this, Yazid had a silver chain made and sent to Mecca with the intention of having Walid ibn Utbah arrest Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr with it.[75] In Mecca and Medina Hussein’s family had a strong support base, and the people were willing to stand up for them. Hussein’s remaining family moved back to Madina. Eventually Abdullah consolidated his power by sending a governor to Kufa. Soon Abdullah established his power in Iraq, southern Arabia, the greater part of Syria and parts of Egypt. Yazid tried to end Abdullah’s rebellion by invading the Hejaz, and he took Medina after the bloody Battle of al-Harrah followed by the siege of Mecca. But his sudden death ended the campaign and threw the Umayyads into disarray, with civil war eventually breaking out. This essentially split the Islamic empire into two spheres. After the Umayyad civil war ended, Abdullah lost Egypt and whatever he had of Syria to Marwan I. This, coupled with the Kharijite rebellions in Iraq, reduced his domain to only the Hejaz. Following the sudden death of Yazid and his son Muawiya II took over and then abdicated and died in 683, Ibn al-Zubayr expelled Yazids forces from most of Arabia. In Syria Marwan ibn Hakim, a cousin of Muawiya I, was then declared caliph. Marwan had a short reign dying in 685 but he was succeeded by his able son Abd al-Malik. The Kharijite in Iraq weakened Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr and after a battle with the Umayyads in Syria, he was isolated in the Tihamah and the Hejaz regions [76] the Kharijite rebels then established an independent state in central Arabia in 684. Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr was finally defeated by Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, who sent Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf. Hajjaj was from Ta’if, as were those who had killed Hussein. In his last hour, Abdullah asked his mother Asma what he should do. Asma replied to her son:[77] “You know better in your own self that if you are upon the truth and you are calling towards the truth go forth, for people more honourable than you were killed and have been killed, and if you are not upon the truth, then what an evil son you are, you have destroyed yourself and those who are with you. If you say what you say, that you are upon the truth and you will be killed at the hands of others then you will not truly be free, for this is not the statement of someone who is free... How long will you live in this world, death is more beloved to me than this state you are on, this state of weakness.” Then Abdullah said to his mother after she had told him to go forth and fight: “I am afraid I will be mutilated by the people of Sham. I am afraid that they will cut up my body after they have killed me.” She said: “After someone has died, it won’t make any difference what they do to you if you have been killed.” Abdullah said to his mother: “I did not come to you except to increase myself in knowledge. Look and pay attention to this day, for verily, I am a dead man. Your son never drank wine, nor was he fornicator, nor did he wrong any Muslim or non-Muslim, nor was he unjust. I am not saying this to you to show off or show how pure I am but rather as an honour to you.” Abdullah then left by himself on his horse to take on Hajjaj. Hajjaj’s army defeated Abdullah on the battlefield in 692. He beheaded him and crucified his body. He said, “No one must take down his body except Asma. She must come to me and ask my permission, and only then will his body be taken down.” Asma refused to go and ask permission to take down her sons body. It was said to her, If you don’t go, his body will remain like that.” She said, “Then let it be.” Eventually Hajjaj came to her and asked, What do you say about this matter?” She replied, “Verily, you have destroyed him and you have ruined his life, and with that you have ruined your hereafter.” The defeat of Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr re-established Umayyad control over the Empire. A few years later the people of Kufa called Zayd ibn Ali, the grandson of Hussein, over to Kufa. Zaydis believe that in Zayd’s last hour, he was also betrayed by the people of Kufa, who said to him: “May God have mercy on you! What do you have to say on the matter of Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab?” Zayd ibn Ali said, “I have not heard anyone in my family renouncing either of them, nor saying anything but good about them... When they were entrusted with government, they behaved justly with the people and acted according to the Quran and the Sunnah.”
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 09:29:28 +0000

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