The day was perfect. Not textbook-perfect, flawless or anything of - TopicsExpress


The day was perfect. Not textbook-perfect, flawless or anything of the like. The clouds were a haunted smoky hue, the wind cool to the point of frigid, and the water… The water. The waves dashed themselves psychotically against the jagged rocks and coarse sand, bursting into a chaotic mist the second of contact. The rain pounded down, soaking us before we even neared the water, lightning spider-webbed across the sky, and thunder rolled in the heavens above us. Perfection. I stood stock-still and drew a deep, invigorating breath of pure ocean air, laughing joyously and spinning wildly, my soaked sundress whipping against my legs. He caught me in his arms, my soldier, my protector and companion. Laughing with me, he spun me faster, making the moment so utterly, impossibly, heart-achingly perfect. If this is a dream, let me die and sleep always, I thought. If this is just my imagination, let me never regain contact with sanity. If this is real, let it last forever, or steal my breath before I have to watch it fade to a memory. I dashed playfully into the surging tide, knowing without looking that he was following closely behind. He always did, he always would. He, unlike the others I was so used to, would always come for me, I was certain. I turned, laughing and twirling like a wild woman, unable to contain my ecstasy. I knelt and swept my hands down and forward, casting the freezing water at his already rain-drenched form. He laughed- that heavenly melody- and flung it back. I shrieked and threw my hands up, lauging loudly, throwing my head back and feeling it in my soul… I had wished, so feverently, for so long, for a moment like this, to go out in the wild untamed sea and let it carry me away. I met the eyes of my best friend and there, in our identical trait, was reflected another likeness, the same yearning as my own: to be free and unburdened, blissfully lost in the tide. He brought his arms above his head at the same moment I did, and together we dove into the black, churning, beautiful madness. I stayed under for as long as I could, pushing my limbs to their limit, reveling in the sweet ache of stress in my muscles as I propelled myself through the freezing darkness. The second that it hit me that this was, indeed, far too good to be true, it ended, and I awoke with a pain in my chest that may very well have been a broken heart.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 04:11:16 +0000

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