The days of I’d loved Janaganamana. School is opened. New mind, - TopicsExpress


The days of I’d loved Janaganamana. School is opened. New mind, new thoughts, new hopes, new academic year, new bike… everything is new… the rain has been pouring in the first day of new academic year. When I sit in my newly bought bike clad in new dress and rain coat and with new mind, my mother brought my bag, and she reminded. ‘Ride carefully it is rainy season’. Like a mother sends a school boy, she sends me to school. A lot of changes have been occurred for the time as well as me too. But this rain and my mother didn’t under go any change. What was my mother when I was joined in my first standard, still the same figure is for my mother. That day I went to acquire knowledge, today I go to give the knowledge. But, the abstract figures of hopes and satisfactions flash over her face. I have thought of the beginning of academic year of the month of June. I feel sad when remember the fate of poor tender minds those who setting out to school in the dark-heavy rainy seasons. Though this rains of June brings me the affluent memories and sumptuous experiences that can’t be effaced. In those times the rains were commonly heavy. As the poetess Sugathamari picturized in her poem those days rain was resembled to a mad woman. It was poured like an impatient, blood thirsty mad woman beating her long hair against the earth. A horrified atmospheres were formed by the lightning and thunder bolts along with the storms. As far as I was concerned it was much horrendous. Because I was much concerned and nervous on my house, my parents were inside. My house was straw thatched. In heavy rains water will ooze out inside the house, in the storms many times its roof had toppled. Though I was sitting in class rooms each storms horrified me with the dream of flying roof in cursed hurricanes. When I remember on my first school days, many things are running through my mind. Heavy rains, dark skies, the winds and raindrops aggressing inside the class rooms, banging doors, hot rice porridge, spreading fragrant uniforms, new umbrella on which the water drops dancing over, new chapels of which the price sticker had not moved, the color pencils feel not like to sharpen, slate with wooden frame, green roast nuts father used to bought and give for going school without hesitation, the intoxicating smell of colorful government textbooks (still this is the smell in my mind for the figure of government), thus how many scattered scraps of memories… It had three kilometers to school from my home. My father had been taken me school only a few days after enrolling me. Then I had friends, I walked with them to and fro. I would get up at 6’o clock and get ready. My mother used to take me bath morning itself and put powder on the face and then she would put a dot with collyrium on my right cheek. I would wear blue trouser, then a pant over that. Because wearing knickers to Madrasa is not allowed. In ustad’s openion it was a dress which has not ‘adab’. The time of madrasa was 7a.m to 9a.m. after that I woud run to the mess of Chetan in Kudukki. The vellappam and chatni of chetan’s shop was so tasty. In those days my breakfast was in chetan’s shop because when I get out from home the breakfast won’t be ready. So my father arranged my regular breakfast there. Still that magical taste of chetan’s vellappam and chatni remains on my as remembrance. After the breakfast I would run to school. On reaching the front of school I would remove my pant and keep inside the bag, then. I go on trousers. Navy blue trousers and sandal white shirts were the uniform. Still I like most blue and white uniforms than all other colors. I was not far behind studies in my child hood. Yet I had hardly overcome the periods up to the lunch break. I was happy after noons. I would sit in a bliss of half past of the day. Already it had finished the three periods of total seven, hadn’t it...? And then I would sit counting lest three periods. In the last period mind full was the thought of running home only. That is why I much liked national anthem. When the bell rung for national anthem, I remember, my mind would throb with full of joy. When the song starts, my legs will palpitate though tried to control how much. Legs would tempt to run out. When reach the last line of the anthem we also will join together to recite ‘jaya jaya jaya jayahe…’ Before finishing the last jayahe we would have reached out side of the more on WWW.JAFARSADIKOFFICIALBLOG.BLOGSPOT.COM
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 01:26:47 +0000

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