The deadly trait of elitism produces an us and them mentality. A - TopicsExpress


The deadly trait of elitism produces an us and them mentality. A church with an elitist attitude believes no one else is really preaching the gospel except that church. Or at least, no one is preaching it as effectively as they are! Thankful to God were not that Church. An elitist spirit discourages church members from visiting other churches or receiving counsel from anyone who doesnt attend their church. If anyone visits another church, he is viewed as a dissident. While Ive actually heard this said to others and including to myself in an convincing tone of voice like a used car salesman. Everything you need can be found within the framework of our group, this spirit says, adding, Everything you need to know, you will receive from the pastor and his teachings. Consequently, there is little respect, if any, for other denominations or church groups. One individual, in speaking about the elitist attitude within his church, said, Although we didnt come right out and say it, in our innermost hearts we really felt there was no place like our assembly. We thought the rest of Christianity was out to lunch. Another man from the same church said, When a well-known evangelical speaker was preaching in another church in the area, the leaders would discourage us from attending. Also, if the leaders found out that members were considering visiting another church for any reason, they were called in and chastised. You dont need to be going to those other churches, they would tell us. The ministry here is rich enough. Isnt the Lord feeding you here? A healthy church respects and celebrates the other expressions of Christs many-membered body. A Jesus-centered church realizes that no one denomination or local church can win a city, regardless of how large it is. Christ-centered leaders who are clothed with humility recognize that the small church is as significant as the large church, the Baptists are as vital as the Charismatics, and every racial group has a place at the Lords table. A healthy church will promote other churches in the city, rather than simply promoting its own events and agendas all the time. A healthy church will promote spiritual renewal in all churches rather than further the idea that it has some kind of doctrinal superiority. A healthy church will exude the attitude described in Philippians 2:3-4: Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also the interests of others. My prayer on this day is that this mindset is dissolved within the Kingdom and we begin expanding our walls and implementing a mindset of it taking a village to save a soul! Broken Vessel Ministries Supports other Pastors and other Ministries and will continue to do so with the spirit of excellence. Pastor J.T. Maberry
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 12:49:41 +0000

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