The death of Robin Williams is tragic but I hope its an eye - TopicsExpress


The death of Robin Williams is tragic but I hope its an eye opening lesson for many people. The grass is the same shade on both sides. If you ever think the acquisition of wealth, fame and achievements will make you happy look at Robin. If only you had that tattoo, that piercing, that outfit, that hair style, that phone, that games console, that massive bendy-screen 6D TV, that job, that hot person youve been lusting after forever, that car, that holiday, that house, that lottery win, that break that will lift you out of obscurity and into the big time. If only that would happen tomorrow youd be happy! But all we get is momentary feelings of satisfaction which passes so quickly its scary. Then we move onto the next thing we want. Therefore, getting things we want, doesnt make us happy! I believe humans are hard wired to constantly strive for more without any true satisfaction, otherwise wed be still in a caves using Uggs instead of Tweets. And that thing you take which takes it all away for a while? That drink, that pill; whatever it is. It may release you for a bit, give you some escape and oblivion but when you come round back to reality, its worse and it keeps on getting progressively worse. Putting poison in your body or doing poisonous things to it taints your physical, mental and spiritual health. Happiness isnt guaranteed but taking positive action can help. Its not about acquiring what you want but discovering what you really need. A healthy balanced diet with exercise can help immensely. Surround yourself with family and friends who genuinely care about you and support you in every way. Have an outlet for creativity. We all have a gift, its a crime against humanity not to utilise it and its important to have something more than the dreary 9-5. Do a good job! Lounging around festering all day may seem good on paper but after a few hours doesnt it feel terrible? Doesnt it make you feel sluggish and strangely worse off inside? Yet completing a task or doing a good days work feels strangely rewarding. Have a conscious contact with a higher power. Believe in something greater than yourself. Theres nothing worse than feeling alone in this Universe. Science is great, I love science but science just teaches us HOW things work, not WHY? Seek your own answers. It doesnt have to be following a religion but thats fine if it works for you. There are also plenty of spiritual outlets for those put off by mans footprint on religion. Just be careful of Cults, apart from mine of course; mines fine! BE USEFUL! Be of use to your fellow beings on this planet. Do two good deeds every day that you never tell anyone about and be useful whenever the opportunity presents itself. Live in the day! So many of us are stuck pondering the past or yearning for tomorrow we forget to be grateful and appreciate what we have today. Get back to nature. Cover yourself in mud and dung! Well, maybe not going that far but surrounding yourself with nature every now and then can be an uplifting experience. Just some suggestions there, I hope they give someone some ideas and help. :-) Stress, anxiety, depression; they can strike anyone. You can be a King like Robin Williams or a lowly street urchin; no-one is immune from the Black Dog. The important thing is to talk to people about how you feel, be it to a close friend, family member, priest or professional therapist. Talk to someone, dont bottle it all up no matter how silly or strange the thing bothering you may seem. Its not the Lions in life that get you, its the small things, the Rabbits. That favourite pair of underwear youve lost, the fact your shoelaces are untied, missing the bus, getting an unexpected bill; these and many more Rabbits like them can be the last straw, the breaking point, so find someone you trust and GET IT OUT. Just remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You dont have to be alone, you dont have to suffer alone, you dont have to die alone. Reach out to someone if you are hurting. Theres nothing worse than finding out someone else has been suffering in silence! Just think if Robin had reached out and asked for help Im sure there were people who would have helped, people who right now are in so much pain because he didnt! Everyone is facing their own demons, everyones problems are real and hurtful to them. Be kind to people, you have no idea what battles they have fought and when you see their mask, remember they may be screaming inside. A kind word to a stranger could save a life, a good deed sends out positive ripples. Sorry for the long rant, Robins death has shocked me. He could have given the world so much more and lived a much longer, fruitful life and yet he was feeling so bad he wanted to end it all; thats scary. It reminds me I need to take action every day to keep me well and balanced and to appreciate the wonderful life I have.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 08:47:14 +0000

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