The definition of mortgage is evidence that we already owned the - TopicsExpress


The definition of mortgage is evidence that we already owned the home when we signed the banks document. The loan part of the deal is a lie. There was never a loan. mort·gage - 1. the charging of real (or personal) property by a debtor to a creditor as security for a debt (especially one incurred by the purchase of the property), on the condition that it shall be returned on payment of the debt within a certain period. 2. a loan obtained through the conveyance of property as security. We owned the property when we put it up for the loan. We didnt know that we owned the property as soon as we signed the document, and we didnt know the bank never did give us a loan after we put up our property as security. This whole scam proves that our signatures are the most valuable thing in commerce and we better learn fast how to use them properly.This is very correct! What really happened is that the BANK borrowed the money from us! As strange as this may sound, but what happened is that they offered YOU one of THEIR accounts for YOU to HOLD as a TRUSTEE and then YOU being the TRUSTEE for the BANK and borrowed the money from your own Trust Account, and bought the home on behalf of the BANK because you were the ACCOUNT HOLDER of the BANK (You were the BANK) when you bought the home. This contract didnt just start with the bank! this started when you identified your self as the DEBTOR CERTIFICATE from BIRTH. The BIRTH EXTRACT TRUST is the debtor trust and while you hold that trust, the bank become your AGENT from the beginning, and the EXTRACT is the PAGAN trust meaning: PAY AGAIN The CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH TRUST, being the second trust created on your REGISTRATION DATE, is the CHRISTIAN trust, where your Given Name becomes the identification of the CHRISTIAN and of course, as we know, the Christian is the Beneficiary of the VATICAN, being the BENEFICIARY of the head trustee. We now have the identification of: John Paul the CHRISTIAN BENEFICIARY and the SMITH-TRUSTEE the PAYGAN. You will also note that the last name: SMITH is the FAMILY name and what is the symbol of a FAMILY?? ,, yes! a TREE being a family tree... What two TREES were in the GARDEN OF EDEN? .. The Tree (Family) of LIFE and the tree (Family) of KNOWLEDGE. .. Are you seeing it yet? God said that if you eat the FRUIT of the tree of KNOWLEDGE, (Legally meaning NOTICE) you will die! .. and you will be evicted from Eden. (Earth) The fruit of the tree of knowledge is the benefits of the PERSON, because the SMITH trust is the tree (Family) of KNOWLEDGE and by taking the good tasting fruit of the tree of Knowledge, as EVE claimed, the MAN (ADAM) was evicted from the earth and had to PAY AGAIN to be allowed back on the earth. (License to do anything! Fish, drive, work, you name it!) The VATICAN (Serpent-Usurper) tricked MAN into being the TRUSTEE of the VATICAN meaning the BANK, by offering (Articles of NOTICE in the mail.) The KNOWLEDGE being the NOTICE, of holding the ACCOUNT OF THE BANK as TRUSTEE!.... The FRUIT of holding the PERSON is good but you are forever at the mercy of the copyright owner of the PERSON, being ROME, being the VATICAN. Jesus offered the remedy to come back to EDEN, (Earth) as the BENEFICIARY!, and the VATICAN had to honor this stand! by offering you the right and the free choice to stand as the CHRISTIAN, so the VATICAN TRUSTEE gave you a CHRISTIAN identifying instrument called the CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH of the CHRISTIAN NAME, (Created after the born date of your body) but as Jesus claimed, you must give back to Rome what is Romes! meaning, Give back the TREE (FAMILY) of knowledge, being the SMITH trust, (The PERSON) and by no longer holding the PERSON, you stand back as the true standing of Beneficiary of the VATICAN (From Human back into Man) and the VATICAN falls back into its roll of being the TRUSTEE......... When POPE Frances claimed that a Christian can only exist in the VATICAN TRUST, HE WAS SO RIGHT! because it was the VATICAN that offered the ability to act as the beneficiary of the VATICAN under the Christian name (Certificate of Birth Trust) granted by the VATICAN and without the VATICAN there can be no TRUST ARRANGEMENT, leaving the both BENEFICIARY and the TRUSTEE to no longer exist... ADAM and EVE is the beginning evidence of the MODERN WORLD of TRUST LAW and it is the most important story of all time, because it holds the key of life and death within the TRUST LAW SYSTEM we live under today.... Every PERSON (ALL UPPERCASE NAME) is the property of the VATICAN for the VATICAN is the trustee of the WORLD on the condition that you dont hold the PERSON. If you are a PERSON, you become the beast itself, you become the VATICAN being the TRUSTEE, and the VATICAN then becomes the Beneficiary, and while man acts as the Human (Color of man) standing as the PERSON, the Beast will enjoy the freedom and benefits of Eden (Earth), but if you hand back the person, the Beast becomes the one evicted from the Garden of Eden, (Earth). If you identify your standing as the Christian Name only, and the Date of Birth, of such a name (registration date, not the BORN DATE) and hold no other PERSON, you can never be touched by the Beast (VATICAN) and if you are harmed, the VATICAN then becomes the Violator of the true GODS-TRUST and the life, power and glory of the VATICAN will be no more. It will reduce itself to nothing more than a house of CRIME.... Its all TRUST LAW!By the way, the Note is always signed first. That means by default, you have the loan free and clear prior to signing the Mortgage. My advice, sign the former and say no thanks to the latter. But do it after you request a signed copy of the original. Ya, they will defecate in their suits.The mere FACT that you are using a LEGAL NAME fraudulently that does not belong to you and is intended as a trap nullifies any/all LEGAL debate because legal doesnt exist without your aiding and abetting their fraud to fleece you BY YOUR OWN CHOICE to use a legal name in the first place.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 18:51:02 +0000

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