The depraved beheading of US journalist James Foley appears to - TopicsExpress


The depraved beheading of US journalist James Foley appears to have been carried out by an Islamic State jihadi with a British accent. MI5 has warned that hundreds of young British Muslims have gone to join the jihad in Syria and Iraq – with the severe further risk that, having been radicalised, they might aim to kill Britons on their return. On BBC Radio Fours Today programme this morning Shiraz Maher, a senior research fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at Kings College London, said that such youths were operating as suicide bombers and executioners. Unfortunately they are amongst some of the most vicious and vociferous fighters who are out there. That is unfortunately just a part of their radicalisation. Eight years ago, I published my book Londonistan. In that book I warned that successive British governments and the rest of the British establishment had allowed the UK to become the most important global hub for Islamic terrorism and extremism outside the Muslim world. Even now, Britain was refusing to acknowledge and tackle the radicalisation of young British Muslims and – despite the many British Muslims who would have nothing to do with such extremism – the steady Islamisation of Britain. At the end of that book, I wrote: The west is under threat from an enemy which has shrewdly observed the decadence and disarray in Europe where western civilisation first began. And the greatest disarray of all is in Britain, the very cradle of western liberty and democracy, but whose cultural confusion is now plain for all to see in Londonistan. The Islamists chose well. Britain is not what it once was. Whether it will finally pull itself together and stop sleepwalking into cultural oblivion is a question on which the future of the west may now depend. With the beheading of James Foley, that question is surely even more relevant today. amazon/Londonistan-Publisher-Encounter-Books-Revised/dp/B004P2RAUC/ref=sr_1_8?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1408530461&sr=1-8&keywords=londonistan
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 10:26:23 +0000

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