The dermatologist office just called. The bridge on my nose was / - TopicsExpress


The dermatologist office just called. The bridge on my nose was / is cancer. Going in this Friday for him to cut on it. Said he would cut put under a microscope and continue doing this until he got it all or as much as he can. Prayer warriors need your prayers !!! Not sure how much more I can deal with. This time last year I was 2 months in my 3 month hospital stay from double bypass that opened completely up and because of the infection I almost died. There are so much and so many days I remember nothing. Barely had blood pressure, Cleve HAD to be there early morning thru late night to help me and for Dr .s to talk too. Now this. I have faith in my Lord & Savior but I am human and this worries me. If not one thing, its something else
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:07:09 +0000

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