The designs that I am showing you are stock photos sent to me by - TopicsExpress


The designs that I am showing you are stock photos sent to me by the factory that is going to produce them, and I have edited them with my own artwork and oddities and add ins - This is to show how I see my clothes looking, so that I can demonstrate in a way that you can physically see an outfit coming together. You cant tell what something is going to look like from a drawing and I dont have £700 for the correct software to draw it all up myself - yet! That is what my kick starter is for! I struggled to find a way to show the ideas in my head that wasnt drawing them etc, and this was the easiest way. These designs are a representation ONLY of what I want my designs to turn out like. I would love to go out and buy an awesome graphics drawing tablet and draw out exactly whats in my head but I cant afford to do that, so I am working with what I have! I havent produced or made ANYTHING from these designs yet, they are merely to show you guys what I am trying to go for with my designs - I have no other way of doing this, other than what I am doing! These designs are going to differ when actually made because I will add other things and take some stuff away. I am really trying here to make something of myself, I dont have any money to put towards any of it, I just have ideas and dreams, just like anyone when they start out and I am getting pretty fed up of being yelled at every turn :( - If people have an issue with ANYTHING I show, please, just send me an email or something, dont throw around accusations and get nasty for no reason. Im just a person with no money, and a ton of ideas.. this is how people start out at anything! Some of the best styles in the world have been produced from inspiration of others. Nobody owns the right to the Victorian Era clothing line because it is hundreds of years old, you cant patent a style. Im getting fed up with people telling me I am copying someone, or stealing ideas, when I have actually never done anything of the sort. I am working with, what I have right now. A laptop, photoshop, some pictures sent to me via the factory in China and my brain. Im sorry if that pisses folks off, you know where the door is.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 09:26:27 +0000

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